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23 Anti-Aging Innovations

These Anti-Aging Products Range From Normal to Completely Bizarre

— November 7, 2013 — Lifestyle
More and more women in society today are collecting anti-aging products at increasing rates to avoid wrinkles, sagging, dark circles and gray hair. The craze surrounding wrinkle-fighting and lip-enhancing products is also extending itself to the priority list of men, as we also see an increase in male-targeted anti-aging creams and procedures.

This collection of innovations includes everything from masks to accessories and some truly bizarre gadgets designed to target certain problem areas. The anti-aging mouthpiece called the 'Face Upper' clenches the jaw to reduce sagging and helps to tighten those lines around one's mouth.

Equally bizarre is the ant-aging neck brace that functions like a giant Band-aid for your neck. It works by pulling the skin back around the neck and promises to make users look up to ten years younger.

As the rate of technology and science continue to accelerate, more and more unusual anti-aging products are released.
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Galaxy Partical-Infused Creams
Galaxy Partical-Infused Creams
This Space Cream by NASA Contains Particles from Space
Pigment-Restoring Serums
Pigment-Restoring Serums
The Dr. Perricone Foundation Serum is Part of His New No Makeup Skincare
Anti-Aging Plant Serums
Anti-Aging Plant Serums
The New Anti-Aging Serum from ARTISTRY is Revolutionary
Ice Cube Skin Serums
Ice Cube Skin Serums
The Mila Moursi's Cryo Serum is the Secret to Beautiful Skin
Medical Microchip Beauty Regimes
Medical Microchip Beauty Regimes
Geneu's U+ System Analyzes DNA to Offer Personalized Skin Care
Anti-Aging Pillows
Anti-Aging Pillows
Hammacher Schlemmer's Wrinkle Prevention Pillowcase Reduces Creases
Wrinkle-Reducing Beverages
Wrinkle-Reducing Beverages
The Nasa 'Space Drink' AS10 Prevents Signs of Aging
Anti-Aging Candies
Anti-Aging Candies
Tirol 'Skin' Candy Taste Good and Will Help You Look Younger
Individualized Stem Cell Skincare
Individualized Stem Cell Skincare
U Autologous Offers Anti-Aging Products Made From Your Own Cells
Diamond Anti-Aging Products
Diamond Anti-Aging Products
BB Royal Cosmetic Manufacture is the Finest in Skin Rejuvenation
Powdered Gold Facial Treatments
Powdered Gold Facial Treatments
This Luxurious 24K Gold Face Mask is for Anti-Aging Purposes
Wrinkle-Reducing Gadgets
Wrinkle-Reducing Gadgets
The Slendertone 'Face' Device Uses Facial Electrotherapy
Anti-Aging Cannabis Cosmetics
Anti-Aging Cannabis Cosmetics
Cannabis Beauty Defined's Anti-Aging Beauty Products Are All-Natural
Blood-Recycling Beauty Facials
Blood-Recycling Beauty Facials
A New Beauty Procedure Involves Re-Injecting Blood into Faces
Agitating Aging Solution Ads
Agitating Aging Solution Ads
The 'Respibien: Breasts, Paunch' Prints Remind Elders of Good Days
Superfood Face Serums
Superfood Face Serums
Goji Beaute's Cosmetic Product is Made with a Gem of Nutrition
$10,000 Face Cream
$10,000 Face Cream
Angle and Weightman Have the Elixir of Youth, but it Comes at a Steep Price
Surgical Anti-Aging Masks
Surgical Anti-Aging Masks
The T.P.O V-Banding Mask Wraps Around Your Ears to Stay in Place
Anti-Aging Sleepvertising
Anti-Aging Sleepvertising
This Comforta Mattresses Campaign Markets Sleeping Like a Baby
Stimulating Eye Gadgets
Stimulating Eye Gadgets
This Cordless Asian Anti-Aging Device Prevents Wrinkles in the Eye Area
Caviar-Replicating Skin Products
Caviar-Replicating Skin Products
Keep Your Skin Youthful with Anti-Aging Caviar by Holika Holika
Bewjewled Anti-Aging Generators
Bewjewled Anti-Aging Generators
The Human Regenerator is Blinged-Out and Keeps You Looking Young