Super Natural Sparkling Drinks

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YEW Blends British Water and a Hint of Fruit for Sweetness

Super natural sparkling water brand YEW celebrates real fruit flavors with its simply crafted, low-calorie all-natural beverages made with British water and no sugar or sweeteners. These refreshingly different canned hydrating drinks put bold fruit flavors front and center with varieties like Zesty Lemon, Crisp Apple and Pink Rhubarb.

"I spent nearly a decade living in the US, where stylish soft seltzers are mainstream, and noticed a significant gap in the UK market for similar healthy drinks with a compelling story and uplifting vibe," says YEW co-founder Francesca Zampi. The brand's fully recyclable tallboy cans bring a fresh, vibrant option to the UK market and entice soda lovers and even those who once thought that they didn't enjoy sparkling water products.
Trend Themes
1. Fruit-infused Sparking Water - A rise in demand for beverages that highlight natural fruit flavors and offer a healthier alternative to traditional sodas.
2. Sustainable Beverage Packaging - Increased focus on recyclable packaging aligning with consumer environmental concerns.
3. Uk's Healthy Beverage Market - Emerging gap in the UK market for stylish, health-focused drinks that mirror the popular seltzer trend in the US.
Industry Implications
1. Beverage Manufacturing - Crafting healthier, low-calorie drink options tapping into the consumer shift away from sugary sodas.
2. Sustainable Packaging - Developing eco-friendly packaging solutions such as recyclable cans to meet regulatory and consumer demands.
3. Health and Wellness - Expanding the selection of natural and wellness-oriented beverages as people seek nutritious drink alternatives.

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