VR Cooking Games

Suzanne Bongers Presents an Alternative to Physical Kitchens

The latest Dezeen school show—this round showcases the work by students at ArtEZ University of the Arts—spotlights an interesting VR Cooking Game, called Sky Pies: On a Bed of Grass. The playful experience was envisioned and developed by emerging designer Suzanne Bongers. The creative approach that the student took on for this project feeds well into the plethora of virtual reality games that provide interesting ways for individuals to experience (sometimes) mundane tasks.

The virtual reality experience plays out a scenario in the future where we outsource our food production and as a result, home cooking has become an obsolete activity. The VR cooking game probes "new ways of cooking without real-life food" and presents "an alternative to a physical kitchen." Suzanne Bongers also supplements the virtual experience with corresponding utensils.
Trend Themes
1. Virtual Reality Cooking - The trend of developing virtual reality cooking games presents opportunities for disruptive innovation in the food and gaming industries.
2. Outsourcing Food Production - The trend of imagining a future where our food production is outsourced presents opportunities for disruptive innovation in the food and technology industries.
3. Mundane Task Gamification - The trend of gamifying mundane tasks presents opportunities for disruptive innovation in the gaming and productivity industries.
Industry Implications
1. Food - The emergence of virtual reality cooking games and the concept of outsourcing food production presents opportunities for disruptive innovation in the food industry.
2. Gaming - The trend of virtual reality cooking games and gamifying mundane tasks presents opportunities for disruptive innovation in the gaming industry.
3. Technology - The concept of outsourcing food production and the potential use of virtual reality presents opportunities for disruptive innovation in the technology industry.

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