Candy Bowl Costumes

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Reese's and Kit Kat Created the Trick-or-Treatable Costume

Reese's and Kit Kat issued a survey revealing that 47% of adults don't want to choose between staying home to give out candy or trick-or-treating so the brands came together to create the Trick-or-Treatable Costume.

Created to be "the ultimate human candy bowl for treat handouts on the go," the Trick-or-Treatable Costume is ready to be filled with both Kit Kat bars and Reese's Cups so that candy lovers don't have to make the tough decision between one or the other.

A DIY version of the Trick-or-Treatable Costume can be made by following the outlined directions on Hersheyland after gathering a large bucket, a glue gun, webbing, spray paint and a few other tools.
Trend Themes
1. Functional-fashion Hybrids - Combining practical utility with fashion elements, these hybrid costumes present an emerging trend in wearable functional products.
2. Interactive DIY Projects - Offering easy-to-follow instructions, DIY projects like the Trick-or-Treatable Costume encourage hands-on engagement and personalized creativity.
3. Mobile Candy Distribution - Innovations like the Trick-or-Treatable Costume facilitate convenient and mobile ways to distribute candy, transforming traditional Halloween practices.
Industry Implications
1. Costume Design - The emergence of multifunctional costumes opens new avenues for creative design and market differentiation within the costume industry.
2. DIY Craft Supplies - Increased interest in DIY projects fuels growth for suppliers of craft materials and tools, as consumers seek personalized and engaging activities.
3. Confectionery Marketing - Innovative marketing campaigns like this leverage product collaboration to enhance brand visibility and consumer engagement within the candy sector.

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