Global TV: Jeremy Gutsche Discussing Trend Hunter

Global TV: Jeremy Gutsche Discussing Trend Hunter

Jeremy Gutsche of was interviewed on Global TV as part of their 2008 special feature.  The interviewer noted, ""TrendHunter, a Toronto website, is the incubator for trend spotting and fashion trends. Jeremy Gutsche is the eagle eye who uses the blogosphere as the new ‘go to’."

This marks a big couple weeks with Trend Hunter coverage in The Economist, The Guardian, The Times and a couple smaller regional papers.

If you’re in Canada, Jeremy Gutsche will also be on the CBC morning show this Wednesday.
Trend Themes
1. Trend Spotting - Trend Hunter's emphasis on trend spotting presents disruptive innovation opportunities for industries that rely on staying ahead of emerging trends and market changes.
2. Fashion Trends - Trend Hunter's focus on fashion trends presents disruptive innovation opportunities for the fashion and retail industries to enhance their forecasting and design processes.
3. Blogosphere Monitoring - Trend Hunter's utilization of the blogosphere as a source for trend identification presents disruptive innovation opportunities for industries to improve their market research strategies through monitoring online conversations and discussions.
Industry Implications
1. Market Research - Trend Hunter's trend spotting methods offer new opportunities to innovate and improve the market research industry.
2. Fashion and Retail - Trend Hunter's focus on fashion trends presents opportunities for disruptive innovation in the design, production, and marketing of fashion products.
3. Media and Advertising - Trend Hunter's monitoring of online conversations and identification of emerging trends presents disruptive innovation opportunities for the media and advertising industries to enhance their targeting and messaging strategies.

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