Freeze-Dried Broccoli Soups

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SmarterNaturally's Super Soup Features Freeze-Dried GRextra

SmarterNaturally's super soup is packaged in sachets containing freeze-dried raw patented super-broccoli, and it's packed with health and wellness benefits that are easy to enjoy just by adding boiling water.

Although all cruciferous vegetables contain a compound called glucoraphanin, SmarterNaturally's GRextra is based on a special type of broccoli discovered in Sicily that's especially abundant in this compound. Scientific testing has shown this soup's ability to lower blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.

In its first year, SmarterNaturally sold 500,000 products direct-to-consumer and in 2024, the company is aiming to double its sales to more than a million. For optimal health benefits, SmarterNaturally recommends consuming a bowl a week of its soup to support fundamental health.
Trend Themes
1. Functional Foods - SmarterNaturally's freeze-dried broccoli soup exemplifies the rise of functional foods that cater to specific health needs, such as reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes.
2. Convenient Superfoods - The introduction of sachet-packaged, freeze-dried super-broccoli soups highlights a growing market for superfoods that offer maximum health benefits with minimal preparation.
3. Direct-to-consumer Health Products - SmarterNaturally’s impressive sales figures reflect the increasing popularity of direct-to-consumer health products that provide scientific backing and convenience for health-conscious consumers.
Industry Implications
1. Health and Wellness - The health and wellness industry can integrate functional foods like freeze-dried broccoli soups to meet the rising consumer demand for products with tangible health benefits.
2. Food Technology - Advancements in food technology, such as freeze-drying and the development of nutrient-rich superfoods, are reshaping the food industry to deliver enhanced nutritional profiles.
3. E-commerce - The success of SmarterNaturally’s direct-to-consumer model underscores the significant opportunities within the e-commerce industry for health-focused food products that promise specific health outcomes.

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