Flavorful Branded Table Grapes

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Sun World International Launched Two Types of Table Grapes

Sun World International has announced two new types of table grapes that will help the brand to make a name for particular kinds of grapes and help consumers identify them when shopping.

The grapes include the Applause and the Epic Crisp varieties, which are each characterized by their distinct flavor and texture. The sugrafiftyfour variety under the Applause brand is a midseason green seedless grape that boasts an unexpectedly sweet, tropical flavor, while the sugrafiftysix under the Epic Crisp brand has a sweet crunch profile. The grapes are part of Sun World's branding strategy to bring together an array of varietals that have similar attributes like other produce options.

Senior Marketing Manager Dané Joubert spoke on the new grapes saying, "In the current marketplace, consumers aren’t loyal to a specific brand of grapes; only green, red and black. That’s why we believe in driving awareness of grape brand attributes at the shelf. Flavored varieties are a niche space in the marketplace. Having multiple unique varietals under one brand, with unique attribute call outs, allows the consumer to recognize the brand versus having different brands for each unique variety."
Trend Themes
1. Flavored Produce Differentiation - The launch of uniquely flavored grape varieties positions branded produce as a distinct category in a saturated market.
2. Seedless Grape Innovation - The introduction of standout seedless grape varieties highlights a trend towards convenience and enhanced eating experiences.
3. Branded Produce Loyalty - Efforts to create brand loyalty through distinctive attributes in grapes emphasize marketing strategies aimed at consumer retention.
Industry Implications
1. Agriculture - Developing distinctly flavored and textured grapes drives innovation in crop cultivation and selective breeding practices.
2. Food Marketing - The marketing of unique grape varietals under a unified brand opens new avenues for targeted consumer engagement in the produce sector.
3. Retail - Retailers can benefit from differentiated produce offerings by meeting the growing consumer demand for unique and exotic flavors.

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