Smartphone-Shot TV Episodes

Mythic Quest's Quarantine Episode Was Written & Filmed in Quarantine

All industries have been shaken by the global pandemic, including the entertainment industry and although it's not yet clear what post-pandemic movie sets in Hollywood will look like, Apple TV Plus’s Mythic Quest: Raven’s Banquet created a quarantine episode that adapted to the changing times. Mythic Quest kicked off in February and fans of the show say that the quarantine episode is a seamless continuation of the show that captures what it's like to live through these uncertain times.

Like tuning into a video call on Zoom, parts of the episode are set up so that viewers can see the screens of multiple characters at once, and get an in-depth look at how each one is coping with quarantine in their own unique ways.

Notably, the special episode was written, filmed on iPhones and edited in quarantine over the course of just three weeks.
Trend Themes
1. Quarantine Filming - The trend of filming TV episodes and movies in quarantine using smartphones presents disruptive innovation opportunities in the entertainment industry.
2. Remote Collaboration - The trend of using video call platforms like Zoom to create content opens up opportunities for remote collaboration in the entertainment industry.
3. Adapting to Changing Times - The trend of adapting storytelling techniques to capture the experience of living through uncertain times presents opportunities for innovative and relatable content.
Industry Implications
1. Entertainment Industry - The entertainment industry can explore the disruptive innovation opportunities of quarantine filming and remote collaboration techniques.
2. Smartphone Industry - The smartphone industry can capitalize on the trend of using smartphones for filming TV episodes and movies in quarantine.
3. Video Conferencing Industry - The video conferencing industry can seize the opportunity to provide advanced collaboration tools tailored for entertainment industry professionals.

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