Personal-Size Pineapples

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Fresh Del Monte's Precious Honeyglow is Sweeter and Single-Serving Size

Fresh Del Monte, known for creating the colorful, Pinkglow and Rubyglow pineapples, introduced a personal-sized pineapple called Precious Honeyglow with year-round availability exclusively through Melissa's Produce. Precious Honeyglow is the most compact pineapple in Del Monte history, weighing under two pounds, or about half of the average weight of a traditional full-size pineapple.

According to a Fresh Del Monte survey, single-person households are significantly less likely than multiple-person households to prefer full-size whole pineapples. This small, single-serve pineapple was created to offer consumers more choices in variety and size of fresh, whole pineapples, all while reducing food waste. This pineapple also caters to different taste preferences since Precious Honeyglow is said to have "a distinctly sweeter taste than traditional pineapples."
Trend Themes
1. Miniature Fruits - The rise of smaller, personal-sized fruits provides a convenient and waste-reducing option for single-person households.
2. Customized Produce Offerings - Tailoring fruit sizes and flavors caters to diverse consumer preferences and enhances customer satisfaction.
3. Sustainable Packaging - Efforts to minimize food waste through right-sized produce align with growing consumer demands for sustainable living solutions.
Industry Implications
1. Agriculture - Innovations in fruit size manipulation present opportunities for farming operations to meet niche market demands.
2. Retail - Grocery stores can leverage unique, single-serving produce to attract health-conscious consumers looking for fresh, convenient options.
3. Food Distribution - The logistics of handling personal-sized produce requires advanced distribution strategies to maintain product freshness and appeal.

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