Punch-Flavored Hard Seltzers

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VIVE Hard Seltzer Created Cans of Carbonated, Alcoholic Punch

Based on consumer demand for sweet, fruit-based sparkling beverage, VIVE Hard Seltzer is introducing the first hard seltzer punch in the category. The first-of-its-kind carbonated alcoholic punch is making its debut in four fun and refreshing flavors: Original Punch, Southern Punch, Sunrise Punch and Tropical Punch. It's said that each pure, naturally sweetened and nostalgic hard seltzer punch flavor "delivers exactly what the name promises."

The hard seltzer category is expanding to include unique formulas and flavors that remind of favorite beverages like smoothies, lemonade or even beer. With this new release, VIVE Hard Seltzer has the potential to catch the eyes of seltzer lovers and appeal to those who have yet to explore the category.
Trend Themes
1. Punch-flavored Hard Seltzers - The trend of sweet and fruit-based sparkling beverages combined with the popular hard seltzer category is creating opportunities for unique and refreshing punch-flavored options.
2. Expansion of Unique Flavors in the Hard Seltzer Category - Offering new and innovative flavors like alcoholic punch can differentiate brands in a saturated market and attract both new and loyal customers.
3. Nostalgia-based Beverages - Nostalgic flavors and packaging can create a sense of familiarity and comfort for customers, leading to repeat purchases and brand loyalty.
Industry Implications
1. Alcoholic Beverages - The introduction of punch-flavored hard seltzers creates opportunities for disruptive innovation in the alcoholic beverage industry, specifically within the growing hard seltzer category.
2. Non-alcoholic Beverages - Fruit-based sparkling beverages are becoming increasingly popular, creating the potential for innovation in the non-alcoholic beverage industry, specifically in the sparkling and soda category.
3. Packaged Food and Beverage - The use of nostalgia and unique flavors can differentiate brands and create opportunities for growth within the highly competitive packaged food and beverage industry.

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