Plant-Based Pot Pies

Alpha Foods Makes Handheld Pot Pies in Chik'n Veggie and Buffalo Chik'n

Alpha Foods offers a variety of convenience-focused plant-based foods and it is now expanding its offerings with a series of plant-based handheld pot pies. These all-vegan pot pies are launching in flavors like Beefy Cheddar, Chik'n Veggie, Pizza, and Buffalo Chik'n—with the products made using non-dairy cheese and meatless substitutes.

The frozen convenience foods boast flaky crusts and shapes that are more round than conventionally dish-like. The handheld pot pies boast 10 to 12 grams of protein and require only about two minutes to prepare.

While there are plenty of vegetarian-friendly frozen foods that can now be found in the aisles of stores, this new option aims to satisfy both vegans and non-vegans alike. The new line from Alpha Foods is set to make its debut through retailers like Walmart, Kroger and select Wegmans locations as of the summer of this year.
Trend Themes
1. Plant-based Convenience Foods - Explore the opportunity for creating more plant-based convenience foods to meet the growing demand for vegan and vegetarian options.
2. Meatless Substitutes - Identify opportunities to develop and innovate meatless substitutes that are appealing to both vegans and non-vegans.
3. Frozen Food Innovation - Discover disruptive innovation opportunities in the frozen food industry, particularly in creating unique and convenient frozen products like handheld pot pies.
Industry Implications
1. Plant-based Food - Explore the growth potential of the plant-based food industry and develop new products that cater to the needs of vegans and vegetarians.
2. Dairy Alternatives - Identify opportunities for creating non-dairy cheese and other dairy alternatives to meet the demand for vegan and lactose-free options.
3. Frozen Convenience Foods - Explore innovative ways to enhance frozen convenience foods by offering unique shapes, flavors, and improved nutritional value.

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