Alternative Butter Ads

Lurpak's Crush Expectations Redefines Plant-Based as Edgy, Not Earthy

While plant-based alternatives are often relegated to the "granola" natural foods niche, Arla-owned butter brand Lurpak shattered stereotypes with 'Crush Expectations,' an ad inspired by heavy metal that redefines plant-based as edgy and desirable rather than just wholesome and earthy.

In Crush Expectations, garlic sizzles, and vegetables get sliced, then smashed and chopped with intensity. In a few short clips, the potential of the plant-based butter alternative is made known with everything from blended and baked goods to sautées and summer staples like buttery corn on the cob.

"While most marketing in the plant-based category leans towards a natural, calm approach, we treated promoting our product exactly how Lurpak would treat any piece of communication," said Lurpak brand manager Mia Lund Moeller.
Trend Themes
1. Heavy-metal Influenced Marketing - Lurpak's Crush Expectations campaign uses a rebellious heavy metal theme to break away from traditional plant-based advertising.
2. Edgy Plant-based Branding - The campaign repositions plant-based butter from being just healthy to being trendy and appealing through intense visual storytelling.
3. Sensory-driven Food Ads - Ads focusing on intense, visceral food preparation sequences like sizzling garlic and chopped vegetables create a more dynamic engagement for consumers.
Industry Implications
1. Food Advertising - The disruption in this industry involves utilizing unconventional themes to reframe perceptions about plant-based products.
2. Marketing and Branding - Adopting edgy and unexpected marketing styles can revitalize and differentiate brands within the conservative plant-based sector.
3. Plant-based Foods - Innovative visual campaigns can attract new demographics to plant-based alternatives by highlighting versatility and appeal.

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