Savory Cotton Floss

Cotton Cravings Makes a 'Sweet Mesquite' Cotton Candy Flavor

Although some of the most classic cotton candy flavors available are blue raspberry and pink vanilla, Cotton Cravings is a company that sets itself apart by producing unconventional varieties like Cinnamon Bun Bonanza and Egg Nog Excellence. While the majority of Cotton Cravings' gourmet and all-natural cotton candy flavors lean towards the sweet side, it introduced a savory flavor with Sweet Mesquite that emulates the savory, smoky taste of ribs.

The Sweet Mesquite cotton candy flavor is made with organic evaporated cane juice, without artificial flavors and colors. To further highlight the simple, organic nature of the freshly spun flavored sugar product, Cotton Cravings' product packaging also notes that the gourmet candy floss flavor is free of preservatives, allergens and gluten.

As well as selling a range of flavored sugar mixes, the brand also sells DIY equipment for the cotton candy enthusiast.
Trend Themes
1. Unconventional Flavors in Cotton Candy - There is an opportunity to create and market unique and unexpected flavors in the cotton candy industry.
2. Organic and All-natural Cotton Candy - The demand for organic and all-natural cotton candy flavors presents an opportunity for manufacturers to cater to health-conscious consumers.
3. DIY Cotton Candy Equipment - Providing DIY equipment for cotton candy enthusiasts allows for an engaging and interactive consumer experience.
Industry Implications
1. Cotton Candy Manufacturing - Manufacturers can experiment with unique flavors and organic ingredients to disrupt the traditional cotton candy industry.
2. Confectionery and Snack Food - The confectionery and snack food industry can tap into the growing demand for all-natural and organic candy products.
3. Kitchen Appliances and Equipment - Companies specializing in DIY kitchen appliances and equipment can capitalize on the trend of DIY cotton candy at home.

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