eSports Gaming Laundromats

Samsung's 'LANdry' Cleaning Laundromat Appeals to Teens

It's not uncommon to find TVs, arcade machines and lounge areas in some high-end cleaning laundromat locations around the world, but Samsung's 'LANdry' takes on-site entertainment to the next level.

LANdry was devised to motivate young teens to do their own laundry and at the same time, promote the easy-to-use features of the Galaxy S7 and the AddWash washing machine. As a reward for doing their dirty laundry at this unique spot, teens are treated to time playing Internet games while they wait for a load to be cleaned.

Despite the growth of eSports gamings continues to grow, is often criticized for its lack of tangible benefits. The incentivized experience offered at LANdry: The eSport Laundromat ensures that gameplay is productive and the task of doing chores is both engaging and enjoyable.
Trend Themes
1. Esports Gaming Laundromats - The combination of gaming and everyday tasks provides opportunities for disruptive innovation in the entertainment and laundry industries.
2. Incentivized Esport Experiences - The practice of incentivizing mundane experiences with gaming can revolutionize the video game industry and create unusual partnerships like LANdry.
3. Integration of Technology Into Traditional Industries - The incorporation of technology in areas like laundry creates new opportunities for companies to market their products and services to previously untapped markets.
Industry Implications
1. Entertainment Industry - Creating gamified experiences in everyday tasks like laundry can revolutionize the entertainment industry with new offerings that consumers haven't seen before.
2. Laundry Industry - The gaming and entertainment industries partnering with laundromats can enhance the customer experience and attract new customer bases.
3. Consumer Technology Industry - Incorporating technology into traditional laundry practices creates opportunities for the consumer technology industry to market their products in a unique way.

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