Millennial Farmer Campaigns

'Both Sides of the Glass' Features Real Millennial Dairy Farmers

Dairy Farmers of Canada is launching a holiday-themed, Millennial-targeted campaign called Both Sides of the Glass. The campaign stars Santa and real Millennial dairy farmers, who chat about some of the common misconceptions about milk and dairy farming practices. While Santa takes on the role of the loveable talk show host, his guests share insights into how they produce high-quality products, the innovative practices they're adopting and how they care for the animals.

The Both Sides of the Glass campaign from Dairy Farmers of Canada is one of two holiday campaigns that's launching in December, with the other being Santa Surprise, which looks at the tradition of leaving a glass of milk out for Santa to enjoy when he delivers presents on Christmas Eve.
Trend Themes
1. Millennial-targeted Campaigns - There is an opportunity to create campaigns that specifically target the Millennial demographic and educate them on various industries, like agriculture.
2. Technology Adoption in Agriculture - Farmers are adopting innovative practices and new technologies to produce high-quality, sustainable products with fewer resources. Companies that develop and market these technologies stand to benefit from this trend.
3. Marketing with Influencers - Companies can leverage the power of social media influencers and personalities in their marketing campaigns to reach a wider audience and build brand awareness.
Industry Implications
1. Agriculture - Innovative technologies and practices are transforming the agriculture industry and providing opportunities for companies to develop and market sustainable products.
2. Food - Companies can capitalize on the trend of consumers seeking sustainably-produced food by marketing products that are responsibly sourced and produced.
3. Marketing - With the rise of social media influencers, marketing companies can innovate ways to target key demographics, boost sales, and raise brand awareness.

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