Angst of Prom 2008 Reduced Aims At Teens

All over the U.S. teenage girls are txting and IMing about the prom and having giggling fits as well as real angst. Hearst Digital Media wants them online. is a new site with fashion, quizzes, slideshows, to help them be confident about their style CosmoGIRL, Seventeen and TEEN are colobrating on the effort.

Implications - As millions of tech-addicted teens continue to use the Internet as a social space, media companies are creating online portals to cater to this growing niche. Special school events, such as homecoming and prom, offer a promising opportunity for fashion brands to capture teens' attention by providing useful beauty tips and other age-appropriate lifestyle content.
Trend Themes
1. Online Portals for Teens - Media companies are creating online portals to cater to tech-addicted teens, providing age-appropriate lifestyle content.
2. Teen Fashion and Beauty Tips - Fashion brands have the opportunity to capture teens' attention by offering useful beauty tips and style suggestions.
3. Social Media-driven Event Planning - Teens are using social media platforms to plan and discuss special school events, creating opportunities for brands to engage with them.
Industry Implications
1. Media - Media companies are developing online portals to engage with the tech-addicted teenage demographic.
2. Fashion - Fashion brands can target teens by providing fashion tips and style suggestions through online platforms.
3. Event Planning - The rise of social media-driven event planning among teens creates opportunities for brands to support and engage in special school events.

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