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Eva Rubenov

Member Since
May 2006
Born in the USA but rocking in Moscow up until 2004, Eva is a global trend hunter with a passion for unlocking trends in foreign cultures. She loves to roam the web for hot new trends, but calls Trend Hunter home. She's a regular contributor and loves advertising, gadgets, fashion and global trends.
Nostalgia-Inducing Blogs
Nostalgia-Inducing Blogs
The 'Wanna Feel Old?' Tumblr Site is Sure to Garner a Few Laughs
The 'Wanna Feel Old?' Tumblr blog is a site that makes you feel old even if you're in your early 20s. It brings pop culture's past to light by stating the date of a piece of pop culture's conception or… MORE
Gigantic Pepsi Beach Ball Gets Tossed Around the World
Gigantic Pepsi Beach Ball Gets Tossed Around the World
Wouldn't the world be perfect if everyone was happy and bouncing a giant Pepsi beach ball all around the world? Pepsi would like you to think so in this relatively creative ad. MORE
Disposable Panties
Disposable Panties
Wear Once Underwear for One Night Stands
Disposable panties? A few months ago, Trend Hunter witnessed the Shame on You Kit, which included important accessories for the morning after after a one night stand. In this case, two young female entrepreneurs… MORE
Super Cheap Air Travel
Super Cheap Air Travel
SkyBus Offers $10 Flights
Although SouthWest and JetBlue already offered very inexpensive tickets, Skybus is pushing that limit lower with ten $10 seats on each flight. Accordingly, SkyBus may be taking over the title of 'The… MORE
The Wizzybug
The Wizzybug
Fun Mobility Scooter for Disabled Tots
Finally - a cute, rechargeable mobility scooter for disabled children (under 5 years) has been created. It's called Wizzybug. Wizzybug allows children to zip about. It's cute buggy eyes and bright red… MORE
Bizarre eBay Auctions
Bizarre eBay Auctions
Little Miss No Name Is Just The Beginning
If you've got a bit of time on your hands it's amazing what strange, weird and downright bizarre things you can find for sale on eBay. And the oddest part of all is that people are actually bidding on… MORE
Teachers Terrorize Students With Fake Gunman Attack
Teachers Terrorize Students With Fake Gunman Attack
In an attempt to prepare students for the possibility of a gunman attack or hostage taking, a group of teachers in a Tennessee public school staged a mock gun attack on students. Unfortunately, the mock… MORE
Personalized Social Networks
Personalized Social Networks
Me Dot Com
Now you can create a very individualized and personal presence online with and earn mega-bucks... it's even integrated with Good Adsense (so you can earn 50% of revenue!) So far, has only… MORE
Tattoos For Tots and Piercings For Preschoolers
Tattoos For Tots and Piercings For Preschoolers
The trend of tattoos and body modification is still going strong as artists branch out to include just about every demographic including children. In fact, there are shops opening up that specialize in… MORE
Scary Teen Trends
Scary Teen Trends
'Blood Red', 'Razor Blade Kisses', and 'The Cutting World' (Parents Beware!)
Okay. So we've all heard of 'freaks' who cut themselves. Or the stars who've come clean - Angelina Jolie, Christine Ricci and even Princess Di. That's not really new. However, cutting becoming the new… MORE
Homes of the Future
Homes of the Future
Self-Healing, Earthquake Proof + Homes Built From Trash
Homes that address current trends seem to be the new wave of the future. We have self-healing, earthquake proof homes in Spain and houses built out of trash in the UK... these are just a couple of examples… MORE
Japanese Icons Go Bling
Japanese Icons Go Bling
The $4250 Hello Kitty Diamond Ring
You gotta be a hard core Hello Kitty fan to be willing to drop almost 5 grand on a diamond ring featuring this Japanese icon. But for those who have everything, this may be the perfect gift. MORE
Semi-Identical Twins
Semi-Identical Twins
New Form of Twins Discovered
An extremely rare pair of twins has been discovered that share their mother's characteristics but only half of the father's genes creating an anomoly termed 'semi-identical'. Twins are normally identified… MORE
Wine-Flavoured Ice Cream
Wine-Flavoured Ice Cream
Two favourites - wine and ice cream have been joined together in enticing flavours like Ala Port Wine, Peachy White Zinfandel and Red Raspberry Chardonnay. But keep in mind this delight is not for everyone!… MORE
Lingerie Laws
Lingerie Laws
Men Banned From Selling Lingerie in Sharjah, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait
Ultra-conservative countries have passed new laws barring men from working in lingerie shops. Only women can be hired as salespersons and shops who fail to comply are being shut down. Shopkeepers are… MORE
Mothers Selling Breast Milk Online
Mothers Selling Breast Milk Online
What do fetishists, babies and cancer patients all have in common? They are all likely targets of mother marketing their own breast milk. And market it they will! There are even milk banks that collect… MORE
Texas Hold 'Em For Game Boy Advance
Texas Hold 'Em For Game Boy Advance
Gambling Targets Little Kids
In a highly irresponsible move, a Texas Hold 'Em game was released for Game Boy Advance. Game Boy is primarily targeted at young kids and this is just another example of how addictive behaviour is not… MORE
Glass Raindrops
Glass Raindrops
Decorate your wreath or tree with glass raindrops. A set of 24 runs for $12. MORE
Hug Shirt
Hug Shirt
Send Somone a Hug via Text Message
The hug shirt actually squeezes you with a great big hug every time someone sends you a hug via text message. MORE
A Bubble for Your Baby
The Intellicot is an 'intelligent cot' that looks after your baby. It offers a number of advantages over a regular cot, plus you can feel like you've trapped your baby in a bubble. MORE
Long False Eyelashes
Long False Eyelashes
Famed Japanese Blogger Sets Her Own Style
Japanese blogger Geisha Asobi has used her own hair to create long false eyelashes. Will this become the next freaky trend in counter culture couture? I can imagine these eyelashes make it difficult… MORE
AussieBum Wondercup
AussieBum Wondercup
The Wonderbra of Men's Swimwear
Australian fashion house AussieBum has created the Wondercup. The Wondercup is the men's equivalent of a Wonderbra, which means padded underwear to make you appear like more of a man. AussieBum founder… MORE
Penis Pokey
Penis Pokey
Puppetry of the Penis for Your Home
Inspired by Puppetry of the Penis, this $10 book is is a self-explanatory expression of humour. In short, each page has a fun picture with a hole in the middle, which you can use to... complete the story.… MORE
Wind Up Figures by Maywa Denki
Knowckman figures make "absurd musical movements" that are sure to make you smile. The figures were designed by the Japanese air band Maywa Denki. Each figure costs roughly $15 and has a different design… MORE
BLT Sandwich Ring
BLT Sandwich Ring
At $750, the stacking Sandwich Ring is a little more than a Big Mac, but it certainly is unique. The artist, Carrie Weston descibes, "This stacking sandwich ring is a throw back to the good ol' times… MORE
Human Species May Split in Two: an Elite and Underclass
Human Species May Split in Two: an Elite and Underclass
Evolutionary theorist, Oliver Curry, has released a controvercial paper which suggests that the human race will splid into two classes: a dim underclass and an elite upper class. The theory is based on… MORE
$20 Million Diamond Iced Wedding Cake
$20 Million Diamond Iced Wedding Cake
Can you get free publicity by adding diamonds to ANYTHING? Search Trend Hunter for 'diamonds' and you'll find a lot of entries. Now, you can find one more: a $20 million diamond iced luxury wedding cake.… MORE
Electrical Sexual Stimulation
Electrical Sexual Stimulation
New Technology For Women
A new product, called the Slightest Touch, is believed to be the first electrical sexual stimulation device. The product is designed especially for women and meant to assist with the 'Arrousal Gap' that… MORE
Calorie-Burning Sodas
Calorie-Burning Sodas
The Enviga Soft Drink Will Cut Out The Gym Factor
Enviga is a breakthrough calorie burning soft drink that lives by the slogan, "Be Positive. Drink Negative." It's being promoted by Coca Cola, so you're going to hear a lot about it starting early in… MORE
Cream Induced Tans Reduces Risk of Skin Cancer
Cream Induced Tans Reduces Risk of Skin Cancer
New research from the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute suggests that certain types of tanning cream could prevent skin cancer. From Giz Magazine: Findings from a study led by researchers at Dana-Farber Cancer… MORE
Table Jewelry
Table Jewelry
Gold Spiders by Nicole Landaw
Table Jewelry offers another way to express your personality by accessorizing your home with luxuries that... well... serve no purpose but to exude wealth. People have always had trinkets and ornaments,… MORE
Charity Cookware
Charity Cookware
Special Edition Pink Knives
Charity Cookware falls into the category of charity products that we've seen in abundance this year. In this example, we see that Mundial has created a special line of pink knives which support the National… MORE
Magnetic Ring
Magnetic Ring
The MoMA store is selling an innovative Magnetic Ring for $35. "This ring is made from three nickel-plated magnet arches which can be added or removed to fit a range of finger sizes. Four spacers of various… MORE
Organic Denim
Organic Denim
Tierra Del Forte's Green Jeans
Organic Denim? Tierra Del Forte has launched a line of luxurious green jeans made from 100% organically grown cotton (no pesticides). Her site describes that the jeans are, "designed for the eco-chic… MORE
Mood Lighting
Mood Lighting
Philips LivingColors for Your Home
Add therapudic mood lighting to your room. Philips describes, "Now you can create whatever atmosphere you like in your room. Both the color and light intensity of LivingColors can be changed using a simple… MORE
Transformer Dresses
Transformer Dresses
Hussein Chalayan's 2007 Collection
At this week's Paris Fashion Show, Hussein Chalayan revealed six different Transformer Dresses. One of them converted from being a dress to being a naked woman with a hat, "The girl walked in and stood… MORE

Featured Ideas

Bizarre eBay Auctions
Bizarre eBay Auctions
Little Miss No Name Is Just The Beginning
If you've got a bit of time on your hands it's amazing what strange, weird and downright bizarre things you can find for sale on eBay. And the oddest part of all is that people are actually bidding on… MORE
Apple iPods are Made in Sweatshops (Allegedly)
Apple iPods are Made in Sweatshops (Allegedly)
Apple lovers everywhere can rejoice knowing that their beloved company is now accused of mass producing iPods in sweashops. Enjoy... From the BBC: Apple is investigating a newspaper report that staff… MORE
Human Species May Split in Two: an Elite and Underclass
Human Species May Split in Two: an Elite and Underclass
Evolutionary theorist, Oliver Curry, has released a controvercial paper which suggests that the human race will splid into two classes: a dim underclass and an elite upper class. The theory is based on… MORE
Organic Denim
Organic Denim
Tierra Del Forte's Green Jeans
Organic Denim? Tierra Del Forte has launched a line of luxurious green jeans made from 100% organically grown cotton (no pesticides). Her site describes that the jeans are, "designed for the eco-chic… MORE
Scary Teen Trends
Scary Teen Trends
'Blood Red', 'Razor Blade Kisses', and 'The Cutting World' (Parents Beware!)
Okay. So we've all heard of 'freaks' who cut themselves. Or the stars who've come clean - Angelina Jolie, Christine Ricci and even Princess Di. That's not really new. However, cutting becoming the new… MORE
The Wizzybug
The Wizzybug
Fun Mobility Scooter for Disabled Tots
Finally - a cute, rechargeable mobility scooter for disabled children (under 5 years) has been created. It's called Wizzybug. Wizzybug allows children to zip about. It's cute buggy eyes and bright red… MORE
Non Lethal Umbrella
Stop poking out other people's eyes! That's the goal of the innovative Bumperella concept from RKS Design. Interesting, but I would rather make sure OTHER people have a Bumperella... "The concept for… MORE
Fish Tank Toilet
Fish Tank Toilet
The Aquariass
In June I posted an Aquarium Washbasin. Now, I see you could 'fish up' your bathroom even more with an Aquarium Toilet. Bizarre. The Aquarium Toilet costs $1,100 from Urban Peel: "Add a little life… MORE
Marqués de Riscal Hotel by Frank Gehry
Marqués de Riscal Hotel by Frank Gehry
The Marqués De Riscal is a new landmark hotel in Spain designed by world renowned architect Frank O. Gehry. The hotel is his second Spanish achievement after the Bilbao's Guggenheim Museum. From Starwood… MORE
World's Sexiest MP3 Player
World's Sexiest MP3 Player
Iriver S10
It may be the world's smallest MP3 player, but it is definitely the world's sexiest. The Iriver S10 features a 1.5” OLED display, 8 hours of battery life, and 2gb of storage. However, the highlight… MORE
Pink Playstations
Pink Playstations
PSP and PS2 Target Girls
Sony has released a pink PSP to match the pink PS2. The aim is to broaden the appeal of Sony's otherwise masculine looking device. "Girls too enjoy playing video games and hence all the brands are now… MORE
Shadow Trees
Shadow Trees
Create Your Own Forest Out of Light
If your urban loft seems out of touch with nature, then you might want to add your own forest.  Don’t have the space? Use light.  $59. “Lumen Tree is an acid-etched, stainless steel, oil lamp shadow projector. … MORE
Hamilton X-01 Watch
Hamilton X-01 Watch
Damn, you're watch is ugly compared to the Hamilton X-01 Watch. It looks nifty, although I'm surprised to learn it is a relic from the movie 2001 A Space Odyssey. Luxist tells us, "Time flies as the… MORE
Hug Shirt
Hug Shirt
Send Somone a Hug via Text Message
The hug shirt actually squeezes you with a great big hug every time someone sends you a hug via text message. MORE