Eva Rubenov — March 17, 2007 — Naughty
References: sfgate & thestranger
What do fetishists, babies and cancer patients all have in common? They are all likely targets of mother marketing their own breast milk. And market it they will! There are even milk banks that collect breast milk and sell it at cut throat prices. Yes, cash-hungry moms can earn up to $3 an ounce
Of course, there is definitely a downside. Breast milk can transmit all sorts of nasty toxins and diseases including HIV and doctors warn that non-nursing moms considering the route of buying breast milk familiarize themselves with the unique health risks to babies fed purchased or donated breast milk.
While the idea of mothers donating their breast milk to help those less fortunate is somewhat understandable and maybe even admirable, the thought of mothers cashing in this way is highly unpalatable.
Of course, there is definitely a downside. Breast milk can transmit all sorts of nasty toxins and diseases including HIV and doctors warn that non-nursing moms considering the route of buying breast milk familiarize themselves with the unique health risks to babies fed purchased or donated breast milk.
While the idea of mothers donating their breast milk to help those less fortunate is somewhat understandable and maybe even admirable, the thought of mothers cashing in this way is highly unpalatable.
Trend Themes
1. Online Breast Milk Market - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create a secure online platform that connects breast milk donors with buyers, ensuring safety and quality.
2. Milk Banks - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop advanced technology for efficient collection, storage, and distribution of donated breast milk to ensure wider availability and affordability.
3. Health Risks of Purchased Breast Milk - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Design a comprehensive testing and certification system to ensure the safety and quality of purchased breast milk, minimizing health risks.
Industry Implications
1. E-commerce - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Build a specialized online marketplace for breast milk transactions, providing a safe environment for buyers and sellers.
2. Medical Technology - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop advanced equipment and protocols for collection, testing, and storage of breast milk, enhancing the efficiency and reliability of milk banks.
3. Healthcare - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create education and awareness programs focused on the risks and benefits of purchased breast milk, promoting safe practices among parents and healthcare professionals.