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Cool Hunter

Management Consultant
Los Angeles
Member Since
Nov 2005
Everything you like, I liked 5 years ago. What I like now is what you'll like tomorrow. It's not meant to be discouraging, it's just probable. But hey, there's still a chance for your to catch up. Just remember, being a Cool Hunter is the art of finding out what's on the edge. It's not about what's popular. What's popular is already old.
Babies Who Can Read
Babies Who Can Read
Babies under the age of two can be taught to read. Don't believe it? Then watch the video. It's really incredible! They are actually able to learn to read before they can speak. Of course, it takes patience… MORE
The Old T-Shirt Shag Rug
The Old T-Shirt Shag Rug
Looks Cool and It's Eco-Friendly Too
Artisans in Thailand take your old, ratty t-shirts, tear them apart and hand-hook them into super cool shag rugs. MORE
The Freestanding Bedroom-In-A-Box
If you can land yourself some loft space then consider youself lucky since most loft space is definitely at a premium these days. But if you are one of the fortunate ones then you will be faced with the… MORE
Surviving On Food Stamps
Surviving On Food Stamps
The $21 A Week Experiment
Two American lawmakers are putting their money ($21) where their mouth is. They're trying to survive for one week on the US standard food stamp rations. That means they're trying to get by on $1 per meal.… MORE
Busted For Bad Business
Busted For Bad Business
Baskin-Robbins Shorts Pints By 4 Ounces
Baskin-Robbins has been fined $500,000 for under packing their 'hand packed pints' of ice cream. On average pints were short by 4 ounces each. A consumer protection lawsuit was launched and Baskin-Robbins… MORE
Kool-Aid Pickles
A wacky new pickle craze is storming the nation - Kool-Aid Pickles. That's right! But these pickles are very special. They come is a great range of funky colours that can only be acquired by a Kool-Aid… MORE
Hotel Bed Jumping
Hotel Bed Jumping
Bed Jump Dot Com
If you travel a lot, you probably know the value of a nice clean hotel with a super comfy bed. And what's the best way to test out your hotel bed? By jumping on it of course! The trend of Hotel Bed Jumping… MORE
Want To Be Rejected? Check Out Snub Club Dot Com
Want To Be Rejected? Check Out Snub Club Dot Com
Snub Club is one of a growing number of dating sites where members get to vote on who gets in based on how they look. You will be denied entry unless you get a rating of 75% or higher. Exclusive online… MORE
Facebook Wagers
Facebook Wagers
Kid Forced to Get Tattoo of TV Anchor
As part of the Facebook craze, a 21-year old from the Maritimes (Canada), promised to get inked with the face of TV anchor, Bruce Frisko, if 25,000 people signed up. And guess what? They did. In fact over… MORE
The Aduki Ni Colour Changing Bean Lamp
The Aduki Ni Colour Changing Bean Lamp
The Aduki Ni Colour Changing Bean Lamp is ultra cool as it beams forth glowing light for up to 8 hours. Ready for another round? Simply recharge and continue enjoying the Bean Lamp's curved lines and cool… MORE
Anti-Snooze Button Technology
Anti-Snooze Button Technology
The Shocking Alarm Clock
Do you have trouble waking up in the morning? Would an extra jolt do the trick? The Shocking Alarm Clock gives you a zap if you dare touch that snooze button, giving you an added incentive to shake off… MORE
Day Care Deviants
Day Care Deviants
Day Care and Disruptive Behaviour Linked
Much to the horror of parents, the longest-running study on day care centres and the long-term effects on children have issued their final report... and the findings are less than desirable. They were… MORE
Night Vision Goggles Now In Colour
Night Vision Goggles Now In Colour
Tenebraex's Ultra Cool Night Vision Goggles let you see in the dark... in full colour. The technology is so advanced that the company is planning to pitch them to the U.S. government. MORE
The Anti-Cubicle
The Anti-Cubicle
The Future of Computer Workstations
Completely mobile, this Anti-Cubicle or Personal Computing Environment Station is an one-human-computing-station-a-go-go. That's right folks, here you have it all. From hook ups for you LCD screen, to… MORE
Fun With Fibre Optics
Fun With Fibre Optics
Sexy, Shimmering, Sensuous Nightlife Accessories
Light up your nights (and your days) with ultra-cool, plastic fiber optic fabric that simply glows. Everything from sexy clothing to sensational tablewares is being created with glowing fiber optics to… MORE
Rodents As Delicacies
Rodents As Delicacies
Venezuela's Capybara Is Double The Price of Beef
Eating meat is pretty gross to the vegetarians and vegans amongst us. But the thought of eating a rodent has got to be revolting to just about anyone... or does it? In Venezuela, their largest rodent,… MORE
An Above Average Dating Site For Hotties Only
You may be brave and you may be desperate but you may also be barred from the hottest new online dating website: The website is exclusively reserved for those rated Hot Enough to gain access.… MORE
Luxury as Charity
Luxury as Charity
Billionaire Rents Hawaii Dream Home for $150 / Month
A Japanese billionaire has decided to share his wealth by renting out his mult-million dollar Hawaii mansions to under privileged familes at a mere fraction of their worth. He's asking a pittance, really… MORE
Diet Coke and Mentos Experiments II
Diet Coke and Mentos Experiments II
The Dominoe Effect
When diet coke and mentos are combined, they blow up better than vinager and baking soda. In this video, 231 bottles of Diet Coke and 1500 Mentos mints combine to simulate a mint version of the Bellagio… MORE
Magazine Vending Machine
Magazine Vending Machine
Magazine Vending may be on the horizon with a new deisgn from graduate student Tom Allnutt. The idea's pretty straigh forward, swipe your card and pick your magazine! Tom is studying at Melbourne's Swinburne… MORE
Glowing Mushrooms
Glowing Mushrooms
Found in Brazil
National Geographic has found a group of bioluminescent fungi, "The mushrooms are part of the genus Mycena, a group that includes about 500 species worldwide. Of these only 33 are known to be bioluminescent—capable… MORE
Self Contained Ecosystems
Ecospheres were first invented 13 years ago, but they're awesome, they're now affordable and it's almost Christmas. If you haven't heard of an ecosphere, it is a small totally enclosed ecosystem which… MORE
Wall Mounted Aquarium
Wall Mounted Aquarium
Since aquariums are boring, you need be a little more innovative if you want your scaly friends to have a funky home. That's where a Wall Mounted Aquarium comes into play. There are a number of different… MORE
Pet Costumes
Pet Costumes
Star Wars Dog Costume
It’s almost Halloween, which means it’s time to dream up a costume for yourself… and your pet!  Pet Costumes are taking off and you can now order pet costumes from almost every online costume shop.  At… MORE
Bloom Cards
Bloom Cards
Bloom cards are three dimensional pop-up greeting cards. They run for $5. "A pop-up card that can be used as a greeting card, gift tag, gift ornament, decoration, ornament sticker, book mark, or a gesture… MORE
Candy Scabs
Candy Scabs
Lick Your Wounds
I don't have much else to say about this one: "Totally gross! You know what we're talking about. You've skinned your elbow while crashing your bicycle getting extreme over a gnarly jump in your neighborhood.… MORE
Organic Lighting
Organic Lighting
Looking for more creative ways to light your home? "Creepers.mgx finds its origin in this idea of organic growth and the design resembles something organic slowly spreading out and sending out ‘feelers’… MORE
Online Flipography
Online Flipography
Upload a Video and Create Your Own FlipClips Flip Book
Create your own Flip Book by uploading a video to Prices start as low as $6. "FlipClips are individually crafted flipbooks, created using your own digital video. FlipClips are available… MORE
Dead Fred Pen Holder
Dead Fred Pen Holder
In January, we found the Voodoo Knife Holder by Viceversa. Now, a matching pen holder called Dead Fred. It's made od silicone rubber and will be available soon at Suck UK. MORE
Paris Metro Art
Paris Metro Art
This work, Paris Metro Art, was created by Antoine+Manuel. Check out their site for more cool mural art. MORE
Man Made Islands
Man Made Islands
Dubai's Palm Jumeirah Nears Completion
Dubai's uber luxurious man made island, the Palm Jumeirah, is nearing completion. The island will be an offshore city with space for 60,000 residents and 32 hotels. The project cost $14 billion, and… MORE
Anti Stupidity Pills
Anti Stupidity Pills
German Researchers Close to Breakthrough
BERLIN (Reuters) - A German scientist has been testing an "anti-stupidity" pill with encouraging results on mice and fruit flies, Bild newspaper reported Saturday. It said Hans-Hilger Ropers, director… MORE
Sleepover Suites
Sleepover Suites
Because Sleepovers are a Multi-Billion Dollar Industry
Did you know that children having sleepovers with their friends is a multi-billion dollar industry? So why isn't anyone capitalizing on it? That's about to change with the introduction of Sleepover Suites;… MORE
Giant Robot Imprisons Parked Cars
Giant Robot Imprisons Parked Cars
An intellectual property dispute resulted in hundreds of cars being imprisoned in the Garden Street Garage in Hoboken New Jersey. This is a sign of things to come... ;) From Wired: The robot that parks… MORE
Deadly Sports
Deadly Sports
World's Most Dangerous Sporting Event
The days of the gladiator may be over, but dozens of ultra high risk sports are on the rise, including: BASE Jumping, Free Diving, Cave Diving, Speed Skiing and Street Luging. However, the MOST dangerous… MORE
Ultra High Tech Instruments
Ultra High Tech Instruments
Violins of the Future
Electronic drum sets were being used by chart topping bands in the early 90s... but the trend continues. Now, even classic instruments are getting high tech. The Vivo2 violin, shown here, uses injection… MORE

Featured Ideas

Busted For Bad Business
Busted For Bad Business
Baskin-Robbins Shorts Pints By 4 Ounces
Baskin-Robbins has been fined $500,000 for under packing their 'hand packed pints' of ice cream. On average pints were short by 4 ounces each. A consumer protection lawsuit was launched and Baskin-Robbins… MORE
Anti-Snooze Button Technology
Anti-Snooze Button Technology
The Shocking Alarm Clock
Do you have trouble waking up in the morning? Would an extra jolt do the trick? The Shocking Alarm Clock gives you a zap if you dare touch that snooze button, giving you an added incentive to shake off… MORE
Innovative Cultures
Innovative Cultures
Japan Driving the World of Weird Inventions
Check out this link with a number of weird inventions from Japan, including: the Face Slimmer, Water Salad, Personal Karaoke, The Nap Helmet, Noodle Stove, Nose Stretcher, Noodle Cooler, Head Bath Cap,… MORE
Luxury as Charity
Luxury as Charity
Billionaire Rents Hawaii Dream Home for $150 / Month
A Japanese billionaire has decided to share his wealth by renting out his mult-million dollar Hawaii mansions to under privileged familes at a mere fraction of their worth. He's asking a pittance, really… MORE
Think Your Office is a Zoo? Companies go Pet-Friendly
Think Your Office is a Zoo? Companies go Pet-Friendly
Millions of Americans believe pets on the job lower absenteeism and encourage workers to get along, according to the survey by the American Pet Products Manufacturers Association. Pet-friendly environments… MORE
The Jet Limo
Created by Dan Harris, the Jetmousine is real, and it's street legal. At $1 million, it's slightly more expensive than an average limo, but less expensive than a jet. The first one was sold to Exotic… MORE
Self Contained Ecosystems
Ecospheres were first invented 13 years ago, but they're awesome, they're now affordable and it's almost Christmas. If you haven't heard of an ecosphere, it is a small totally enclosed ecosystem which… MORE
Eco Prefab Homes
Eco Prefab Homes
‘Living Homes' is a Tree Hugger's Dream
Neato! I like it. "A new prefab development company, "Living Homes" is being launched shortly- a prototype is being built now in Santa Monica. Designed by Ray Kappe, the house has many features that any… MORE
Babies Who Can Read
Babies Who Can Read
Babies under the age of two can be taught to read. Don't believe it? Then watch the video. It's really incredible! They are actually able to learn to read before they can speak. Of course, it takes patience… MORE
Sleeping Grass for Your Power Nap
If you've been wanting to sleep in giant pink foam grass, then your dreams are about to come true. Power-Napping is bring us sleeping grass, which basically offers, "a landscape that can be freely shaped… MORE
Muhammad Ali Sells Marketing Rights to His Name
Muhammad Ali Sells Marketing Rights to His Name
Muhammad Ali, one of the world's most recognized people, has sold 80 percent of the marketing rights to his name and likeness to a firm for $50 million. The 64-year-old former heavyweight champion, who… MORE
Paris Metro Art
Paris Metro Art
This work, Paris Metro Art, was created by Antoine+Manuel. Check out their site for more cool mural art. MORE
Want To Be Rejected? Check Out Snub Club Dot Com
Want To Be Rejected? Check Out Snub Club Dot Com
Snub Club is one of a growing number of dating sites where members get to vote on who gets in based on how they look. You will be denied entry unless you get a rating of 75% or higher. Exclusive online… MORE
Giraffe Manor
Giraffe Manor
Hip Hotel in Kenya
If you want to sleep and dine at a resort where giraffes actually poke their head into your window, then Giraffe Manor is for you. The 1932 hotel sits on 120 acres near Nairobi, Kenya, and according to… MORE