Versus Neon Rush Features a Lemon-Lime Flavor, THC & CBD
Laura McQuarrie — January 24, 2024 — Lifestyle
References: auroramj & streetinsider
Versus Neon Rush is a new beverage that features a lemon-lime flavor, 30 milligrams of caffeine and 8.5-10mg THC and 1mg CBD. This hybrid carbonated beverage is a new launch that makes the most of SōRSE emulsion technology to reduce the aromas and taste of cannabis so that it is virtually undetectable.
Versus' Neon Rush has a flavor and electric packaging that may vaguely remind of a popular carbonated soft drink with a refreshing lemon-lime flavor.
Canadian-based leading global medical cannabis company Aurora Cannabis is launching Neon Rush, produced by Versus, exclusively to its veteran patients first. This innovative cannabis-infused beverage release is poised to meet the taste, experience and product variety that patients and recreational adult cannabis consumers seek.
Versus' Neon Rush has a flavor and electric packaging that may vaguely remind of a popular carbonated soft drink with a refreshing lemon-lime flavor.
Canadian-based leading global medical cannabis company Aurora Cannabis is launching Neon Rush, produced by Versus, exclusively to its veteran patients first. This innovative cannabis-infused beverage release is poised to meet the taste, experience and product variety that patients and recreational adult cannabis consumers seek.
Trend Themes
1. Cannabis-infused Beverages - The launch of Versus Neon Rush demonstrates the growing trend of cannabis-infused beverages in the market.
2. SōRSE Emulsion Technology - The use of SōRSE emulsion technology by Versus showcases the trend of utilizing new methods to reduce the taste and aroma of cannabis in infused beverages.
3. Medical Cannabis Market - The exclusive launch of Neon Rush to Aurora Cannabis' veteran patients highlights the trend of medical cannabis companies targeting specific patient populations with innovative product offerings.
Industry Implications
1. Beverage Industry - The launch of Versus Neon Rush in the cannabis-infused beverage market presents opportunities for expansion and innovation within the beverage industry.
2. Technology Industry - The use of SōRSE emulsion technology by Versus opens up opportunities for further advancement and exploration in the technology industry.
3. Medical Cannabis Industry - The exclusive release of Neon Rush to Aurora Cannabis' veteran patients indicates potential growth and development within the medical cannabis industry.