Customized Fish In High Demand In China
IdeaMan — October 13, 2009 — Art & Design
References: translate.google & chinadaily.cn
Custom goldfish tattooing is one pet hobby that would definitely require some patience and skill. As a child, my family had a cat that always seemed to make its way into a sewer before coming home. My mother tasked me with the job of giving the cat a bath--a feat that pales in comparison, I would think, to tattooing a goldfish! I suppose if you catch them in the fishnet you could immobilize them, but it would be difficult to keep from injuring the fish in the process.
According to the blog at nrcnext.nl, the tattoo images are created with lasers. And as to whether the fish are injured in the process, pet shop owner Alen Lee tells the blog that since the laser is a weak one, the fish feel nothing.
For some reason, that doesn’t make me feel better…
According to the blog at nrcnext.nl, the tattoo images are created with lasers. And as to whether the fish are injured in the process, pet shop owner Alen Lee tells the blog that since the laser is a weak one, the fish feel nothing.
For some reason, that doesn’t make me feel better…
Trend Themes
1. Custom Pet Tattooing - The trend of customized pet tattooing is growing, creating opportunities for pet shops and tattoo artists to collaborate and expand their services.
2. Laser Technology in Pet Care - The use of laser technology in the pet care industry presents opportunities for innovative companies to develop new treatments and procedures that are less invasive and cause less discomfort to animals.
3. Pet Ownership as an Outlet for Personal Expression - The trend of using pets as a medium for personal expression is growing, creating opportunities for businesses to cater to customers' desire for unique and customized pet products and services.
Industry Implications
1. Pet Industry - This trend presents opportunities for pet shops and the overall pet care industry to expand their services and product offerings to meet the growing demand for customized pet care.
2. Tattoo Industry - The trend of pet tattooing opens up opportunities for tattoo artists to expand their clientele and explore new markets in the pet care industry.
3. Laser Technology Industry - The use of laser technology in pet tattooing presents an opportunity for companies in the laser technology industry to develop and market their products for new applications in the pet care industry.