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Member Since
Feb 2008
Just havin fun
Track-Laying Trains
Track-Laying Trains
The 30-Car KUHF Train Can Make Its Own Tracks On the Fly
John Henry may have been able to win a race against a steam hammer pounding in rail spikes, but KUHF is a track-laying train that can do far more than that. According to Houston Public Radio, the 30-car… MORE
Fuchsia Snail Art
Fuchsia Snail Art
Colorful Plastic Snails Invade Milan
The Cracking Art Group has constructed giant fuchsia snails in Milan to begin drawing attention to Expo 2015, the World’s Fair to be held there in...well...2015. The group of artists specializes in larger… MORE
Tattooed Goldfish
Tattooed Goldfish
Customized Fish In High Demand In China
Custom goldfish tattooing is one pet hobby that would definitely require some patience and skill. As a child, my family had a cat that always seemed to make its way into a sewer before coming home. My… MORE
Possessed Pianos
Possessed Pianos
This Musical Robot by Peter Ablinger Can Give Speeches
Just in time for Halloween comes this possessed piano!  No, it’s not really possessed, but I think it is pretty creepy. I wouldn’t want it sitting there “staring” at me after watching the movie 'Poltergeist'… MORE
Giant Interactive TV Remotes
Giant Interactive TV Remotes
World's Largest Remote Control Made From DDR Mats
This is one remote that you’ll never misplace--it’s simply too big to lose! Billed as the world’s largest remote, it’s a homemade device cleverly made from two PlayStation 2 "Dance Dance Revolution" mats.… MORE
Nerdy Party Gear
Nerdy Party Gear
The Disco Ball Hat is Absolutely Brutal
This crazy hat has to be straight out of the "Revenge of the Nerds" fashion line. Or someone’s nightmare! Complete with a real spinning light ball, the Disco Ball Hat ensures you will be the talk of the… MORE
Candy For Beer Lovers
Candy For Beer Lovers
'Beer Drops' Fail Taste-Test By Brewski Connoisseurs
Ok. I’m pretty open minded when it comes to food and I have had some beer ice cream that I really liked, but Beer Drops candy leaves me a bit skeptical. Michael John Grist bolsters my wariness when he… MORE
Intentionally Stuffing Noses
Intentionally Stuffing Noses
Pit Stoppers Are Nose Plugs That Keep Fluids In
I’m not sure which is worse, a runny nose or one that’s completely stopped up. If you’re inclined to think the former, you may be interested in the Pit Stopper. It’s a nose plug that keeps water (and,… MORE
Water Powered Street Lights
Water Powered Street Lights
Donnegal County Ireland To Install Hydro Lights
We’ve all seen solar powered lights, but now we may start seeing water powered lights! According to, “a private company had been contracted to install a 'hydro light' on a footbridge over… MORE
LED Tube Lamps
LED Tube Lamps
Bikei Replaces Flourescent Lights With Eco Friendly Alternative
There has been a concerted effort the past couple of years by various environmental organizations to convince the public to choose fluorescent lighting as a more efficient alternative to traditional incandescent… MORE
Unusual Cold-Weather Presents
Unusual Cold-Weather Presents
Send Your Friends Snow-Filled Snowmen as Gifts
Having experienced an early winter this year despite being a warm weather kind of person, this is the last gift I would ask Santa for. But for those of you who are blessed with living in a warmer, snow-starved… MORE
Fuel That Grows on Trees
Fuel That Grows on Trees
Myco Diesel Made of Fungus
We all know that money doesn’t grow on trees, but now it seems that diesel fuel just might! According to, scientists have discovered a fungus in the Patagonian rain forest that “naturally… MORE
Biosensor Timepieces
Biosensor Timepieces
The E. Coli Clock
When you hear someone say their biological clock is ticking, this probably isn’t what they meant! Bioengineers at UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering have created a programmable clock based on E.… MORE
Home Flash Freezing
Home Flash Freezing
The Anti-Griddle
Tired of slaving all day over a hot stove? The Anti-Griddle from PolyScience won’t help with the “slaving all day” part, but instead of the hot stove, you can now have the option of slaving over a very… MORE
Macabre USB Jewelry
Macabre USB Jewelry
Memory Skull Rings
New handmade skull rings recently introduced by Solid Alliance actually do double duty as USB memory sticks.  Simply pull the lower jaw off to reveal the USB plug.  The rings have a storage capacity of… MORE
'Healthy' French Fry Makers
'Healthy' French Fry Makers
The T-Fal Actifry
Well, finally, a kitchen gadget that claims to make healthy food that actually tastes good! The T-Fal Actifry fryer needs only one spoonful of oil to cook a load of fries, or “chips” as they are known… MORE
Mobile Desks On Wheels
Mobile Desks On Wheels
The Home Office Trike
I don’t know about upward mobility, but this gadget will give you mobility around the house. Marketed by Deeply Mad Living, the Home Office Trike rolls around on three wheels, has drawers for storage,… MORE
Bizarre Alternative Medicine
Bizarre Alternative Medicine
From Mud Baths to Eating Tree Frogs
I know some practices in other cultures may seem odd or even downright dangerous to those of us who grew up with so-called 'modern' medicine, and I know some of those 'folk remedies' actually work better… MORE
5 Seater Motorcycles
5 Seater Motorcycles
The Keg Harley
What’s the best way to say Happy Anniversary? Why, build a family-sized motorcycle of course! Well, sort of. According to Fox News, Steve “Doc” Hopkins of Shawano, Wisconsin built the bike not for his… MORE
Living Compasses
Living Compasses
Using Cows to Find North
In yet another globally significant belief-shattering landmark study, German and Czech researchers reported in Tuesday's issue of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences that... cows like to face… MORE
Growing Your Own Living Home
Growing Your Own Living Home
Aeroponic Architecture
Scientists at Tel Aviv University are developing methods of growing trees such that the roots form stable structures that have many uses, even as living homes. According to, "the original 'root-breaking'… MORE
Synchronized Motorbike Performance
Synchronized Motorbike Performance
1950s Rome Police Celebration
I recently came across this mesmerizing video and thought I’d post it in honor of the Olympics. Instead of synchronized swimming or synchronized diving, what we have here is synchronized motorcycling!… MORE
Kite Powered Generator
Kite Powered Generator
Go Fly A Kite For Green Energy
Generating power for your home in the future could one day be as simple as flying a kite!  According to the Guardian, “Scientists from Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands harnessed energy… MORE
Nano Printing
Nano Printing
Olympics Logo Printed 2500 Times On A Single Grain Of Rice
Northwestern University researchers have come up with yet another useful thing to write on a grain of rice - the Olympics logo! Actually, they didn’t really write it on a grain of rice, but they certainly… MORE
Air Cleansing Concrete
Air Cleansing Concrete
Solar Activated Eco Paving
Researchers at the University of Twente, a self-described entrepreneurial research university in The Netherlands, have developed a new paving material that could help clear the air in urban areas. The… MORE
Fuel Conservation Innovations
Fuel Conservation Innovations
Nissan Eco Pedal
Nissan has developed what they claim is the "world's first Eco Pedal", a device designed to help drivers become more fuel efficient. Basically, it works with the car's computer to determine the optimum… MORE
Super Kegs for Tailgates
Super Kegs for Tailgates
The Party-A-Cargo
According to, the Party-A-Cargo "offers the perfect hitch-mountable, self-contained beer kegerator/entertainment system". Simply put, it's a complete tailgating system, minus the grill.… MORE
Green Power From Bluewater
Green Power From Bluewater
Delaware Wind Farm Gets Approval To Proceed
One of the first, if not THE first, commercial wind farms in the United States has recently been approved by the Delaware government. According to the Associated Press, the wind farm will initially consist… MORE
Waste Heat as Energy
Waste Heat as Energy
ElectroTherm Green Machine
During my travels, I often see many sources of energy being wasted. This can be in the form of building air conditioners or refrigeration units that vent heat to the atmosphere, or even the heat given… MORE
Turbine Powered Speedboats
Turbine Powered Speedboats
The Squirt2 Jetboat
What do you do if your regular old speed boat is just not fast enough? Why, not try adding a helicopter turbine? That's exactly what the innovative thinkers at NYE Corporation have done. According to their… MORE
Flame-Throwing Wheelchairs
Flame-Throwing Wheelchairs
Shoots 15 Ft Flames
For the latest project in their line of strange (but cool!) inventions, came up with something no disabled person who likes living on the edge can possibly do without: a flame-throwing… MORE
Google Earth Tours
Google Earth Tours
Disney World Interactive Mega Map
Taking the virtual map concept one step, no, make that a giant leap further, Disney and Google Earth have teamed up to create a new "mega map" that will allow you to explore Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom,… MORE
Touch-Screen Old School Games
Touch-Screen Old School Games
Multi-Touch Missile Command
According to their website, Obscura Digital has developed proprietary software that allows them "to turn virtually any surface into a full-motion video canvass", including even buildings and walls. Well,… MORE
Mural Dishwashers
Mural Dishwashers
Horizontal Design Hangs On Wall
Tired of unloading the dishwasher when the dishes are clean? A totally new dishwasher concept designed by Marie-Christine Lacasse and Marie Claude Savard, and unveiled at the University of Quebec in Montreal… MORE
Magnetic Puzzles With Infinite Solutions
Magnetic Puzzles With Infinite Solutions
The NeoCube
Ever figure out a puzzle, like a Rubik's Cube for example, and get bored with it? No, I haven't either. But if you're one of those lucky few who have, the NeoCube may be the ideal puzzle for you. The puzzle… MORE
Chinese Oreos
Chinese Oreos
Kraft Reformulates Cookie For New Market
Although extremely popular in North America, the Oreo cookie proved not to be so well received when it was first introduced to the Chinese market. It turns out that the Chinese generally found the original… MORE

Featured Ideas

Flame-Throwing Wheelchairs
Flame-Throwing Wheelchairs
Shoots 15 Ft Flames
For the latest project in their line of strange (but cool!) inventions, came up with something no disabled person who likes living on the edge can possibly do without: a flame-throwing… MORE
LED Tube Lamps
LED Tube Lamps
Bikei Replaces Flourescent Lights With Eco Friendly Alternative
There has been a concerted effort the past couple of years by various environmental organizations to convince the public to choose fluorescent lighting as a more efficient alternative to traditional incandescent… MORE
Practical Hydrogen Power Gets Closer- Aluminum Rich Alloy
Practical Hydrogen Power Gets Closer- Aluminum Rich Alloy
A new aluminum rich alloy has been developed by Purdue University Engineers that could solve the main problem preventing the widespread use of hydrogen-powered vehicles. That is, hydrogen can be readily… MORE
Nocturnal Intelligence Robot
Nocturnal Intelligence Robot
There are a number of nicknames that could be used to describe the new spy bot being developed by the US Army, but I can guarantee most of them would be easier to use than to call it by its technical description:… MORE
Macabre USB Jewelry
Macabre USB Jewelry
Memory Skull Rings
New handmade skull rings recently introduced by Solid Alliance actually do double duty as USB memory sticks.  Simply pull the lower jaw off to reveal the USB plug.  The rings have a storage capacity of… MORE
Green Pool Cleaners
Green Pool Cleaners
Solar Breeze
The Solar Breeze robotic pool skimmer can float continuously in your pool, operating on solar power directly during the day, and on battery power at night. However, no electrical connections are needed,… MORE
Transformer Watercraft
Transformer Watercraft
Yamaha Waveboat Turns From PWC to Boat in 60 Secs
No longer to you have to choose between a Person Water Craft (PWC) and a boat. Now you can have both! Designed with a Yamaha Wave Runner in mind, the Waveboat allows you to dock your PWC into its center,… MORE
Waste Heat as Energy
Waste Heat as Energy
ElectroTherm Green Machine
During my travels, I often see many sources of energy being wasted. This can be in the form of building air conditioners or refrigeration units that vent heat to the atmosphere, or even the heat given… MORE
'Healthy' French Fry Makers
'Healthy' French Fry Makers
The T-Fal Actifry
Well, finally, a kitchen gadget that claims to make healthy food that actually tastes good! The T-Fal Actifry fryer needs only one spoonful of oil to cook a load of fries, or “chips” as they are known… MORE
Unofficial Lego MP3 Player
Unofficial Lego MP3 Player
Rock Around The Block
Everybody likes LEGO blocks, right? As a kid, I could play with them for hours (probably still could, come to think of it). Although they are unofficial imitations, these "lego" block MP3 players look… MORE
Mural Dishwashers
Mural Dishwashers
Horizontal Design Hangs On Wall
Tired of unloading the dishwasher when the dishes are clean? A totally new dishwasher concept designed by Marie-Christine Lacasse and Marie Claude Savard, and unveiled at the University of Quebec in Montreal… MORE
Hurricane Weather Simulator
Hurricane Weather Simulator
Disney's New StormStruck Exhibit
Have you ever experienced a hurricane? Do you know how to stay safe? Soon, you will be able to do both at Epcot's Innoventions. Slated to open in late summer 2008, the highlight of the new exhibit,… MORE
12,000 Lb Mechanical Spider
12,000 Lb Mechanical Spider
Moltensteelman Walking Beast
Spiders normally give me the heebie-jeebies, but this machine is pretty impressive. It helps that it doesn’t actually look too much like a real spider. It just has eight legs that move like spider… MORE
Personal Deep Water Submersible
Personal Deep Water Submersible
Own the Deep Flight Super Falcon From H.O.T.
If you have ever wanted to go deep - real deep - and you have about a million bucks to spare, you may be interested in the new Deep Flight Super Falcon. With planned operational depths of up to 1,500 feet,… MORE