These Stop HS2 Ads Are Inspired by Director Wes Anderson's Work
Alyson Wyers — April 30, 2014 — Social Good
References: & adsoftheworld
These animal-advertising Stop HS2 posters are clearly inspired by the quirky Wes Anderson. Borrowing a line from the Fantastic Mr. Fox, these print ads take grassroots activism literally, as they feature a variety of animals in their natural habitats along with copy saying 'What the Cuss!' Featured furry friends include a fox, rabbit and owl.
The UK based Stop HS2 national grassroots campaign is opposed to the proposed new High Speed 2 railway. They are on a mission to get their government to scrap the project while raising awareness at the local and national level. One of the campaign's points of contention is there is no environmental case for the HS2. They also note there is no business case either or enough funds for it.
The UK based Stop HS2 national grassroots campaign is opposed to the proposed new High Speed 2 railway. They are on a mission to get their government to scrap the project while raising awareness at the local and national level. One of the campaign's points of contention is there is no environmental case for the HS2. They also note there is no business case either or enough funds for it.
Trend Themes
1. Environmental Activism - Inspired by Wes Anderson's work, Stop HS2 campaign posters featuring animals in their natural habitats present an opportunity for disruptive innovation in the area of environmental activism.
2. Grassroots Campaigns - The Stop HS2 campaign and their animal-advertising posters also offer an opportunity for disruptive innovation in the realm of grassroots activism.
3. Sustainable Transportation - The opposition to the proposed High Speed 2 railway presents an opportunity for disruptive innovation in sustainable transportation, particularly in improving the environmental impact and cost-effectiveness of high-speed rail systems.
Industry Implications
1. Advertising - The animal-advertising posters created by the Stop HS2 campaign have potential to disrupt the advertising industry by inspiring more creatives to use unconventional advertising techniques in advocacy campaigns.
2. Transportation - The Stop HS2 campaign and their opposition to the high-speed railway present an opportunity for disruptive innovation in the transportation industry by encouraging developers to create more sustainable and cost-effective transportation systems.
3. Environmental Preservation - The Stop HS2 campaign's focus on the environmental impact of the new railway system presents an opportunity for disruptive innovation in the area of environmental preservation, such as developing new technologies or policies that reduce the ecological footprint of transportation systems.