Two London Offices Place Post-It Messages on Windows
Rose Nazarali — July 19, 2009 — Pop Culture
Two offices in London, UK have taken to sticky notes as their form of communication. The two offices, which are across the street from each other, leave giant messages on their windows for each other using brightly colored Post-Its.
“It looked like they were having the mother of all meetings which had spilled from the wall, all over the windows,” Richard Holt said on his blog. “Either that or they were trying to solve a murder. When we noticed this in our studio, we felt similarly inspired and thought we should say hello…”
Some of the messages include, ‘hello,’ ‘knock knock’ and ‘marry me.’
“It looked like they were having the mother of all meetings which had spilled from the wall, all over the windows,” Richard Holt said on his blog. “Either that or they were trying to solve a murder. When we noticed this in our studio, we felt similarly inspired and thought we should say hello…”
Some of the messages include, ‘hello,’ ‘knock knock’ and ‘marry me.’
Trend Themes
1. Interactive Office Communication - The trend of using sticky notes for communication in office spaces creates opportunities for interactive and creative ways of exchanging information.
2. Visual Workplace Collaboration - The use of brightly colored Post-Its on windows highlights the potential for visual collaboration in the workplace, prompting industries to explore innovative ways to enhance team communication and engagement.
3. Analog Digital Integration - The adoption of traditional sticky notes as a medium for digital communication presents an opportunity for industries to develop tools or platforms that seamlessly bridge the gap between analog and digital experiences.
Industry Implications
1. Office Supplies - The trend of using sticky notes as a unique form of office communication creates opportunities for companies in the office supplies industry to innovate and design new products.
2. Creative Agencies - The visual nature of sticky notes used in office windows opens up avenues for creative agencies to explore new ways of visually communicating with clients and fostering collaboration.
3. Technology Solutions - The integration of analog sticky notes and digital communication methods presents an opportunity for technology companies to develop solutions that enhance workplace productivity and communication.