Paddle8 Raises Funds to Better Living Conditions in Rwanda
Paddle8 is partnering up with the Solar Panel Art Series to extend their commitment to sustainability and provide support for the schools in Rwanda, East Africa.
The core of the initative lies in the selection of solar panel artworks that have been created by creatives like Karl-Luis Vossbeck, Stefan Marx, Yangkura, Jiri Georg Dokoupil, and others. Each artistic expressions has been inflicted on top of a used solar panel, fostering a unique juxtaposition that also has the potential to motivate thoughts about sustainability, energy, and usage.
The artworks are being auctioned off on Paddle8 through May 30th. All proceeds will go toward supporting the efforts of not-for-profit organization the Little Sun Foundation which is dedicated to bringing clean energy to school children and teachers in Rwanda.
The core of the initative lies in the selection of solar panel artworks that have been created by creatives like Karl-Luis Vossbeck, Stefan Marx, Yangkura, Jiri Georg Dokoupil, and others. Each artistic expressions has been inflicted on top of a used solar panel, fostering a unique juxtaposition that also has the potential to motivate thoughts about sustainability, energy, and usage.
The artworks are being auctioned off on Paddle8 through May 30th. All proceeds will go toward supporting the efforts of not-for-profit organization the Little Sun Foundation which is dedicated to bringing clean energy to school children and teachers in Rwanda.
Trend Themes
1. Solar Panel Art - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Explore the potential of integrating art with renewable energy to create unique and thought-provoking solar panel artworks.
2. Sustainability Auctions - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Utilize online auction platforms to raise funds for sustainability initiatives and support not-for-profit organizations.
3. Clean Energy Education - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop innovative approaches to provide clean energy education to school children and teachers in developing countries like Rwanda.
Industry Implications
1. Art - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Combine art and technology to create sustainable and visually impactful artworks.
2. E-commerce - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Leverage online auction platforms to connect buyers and sellers in support of sustainable causes.
3. Education - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Use technology and renewable energy solutions to improve access to clean energy education in developing countries.