Rain by LIA and Damian Stewart is Like a Sophisticated Etch-a-Sketch
Meghan Young — February 18, 2013 — Tech
References: liaworks & fastcodesign
Rain by LIA, an Austrian artist, is an art installation that happens to look like a simplified mixing console used in the music production industry. Mounted on the wall, the controls don't affect sound. Instead, it has a visual output that allows passersby to create works of art themselves, almost as though it were a sophisticate Etch-a-Sketch.
Created in collaboration with creative engineer Damian Stewart, Rain by LIA is currently on display at Kunsthaus Graz in Austria. Made out of wood, aluminum and a custom software program, it is outfitted with five controls that tweak the look of a cascading series of lines generated on a screen when played with. These lines are projected on a larger scale against another wall in the same gallery room.
Created in collaboration with creative engineer Damian Stewart, Rain by LIA is currently on display at Kunsthaus Graz in Austria. Made out of wood, aluminum and a custom software program, it is outfitted with five controls that tweak the look of a cascading series of lines generated on a screen when played with. These lines are projected on a larger scale against another wall in the same gallery room.
Trend Themes
1. Interactive Art Installations - Creating art installations that engage with the audience and allow them to become part of the artwork, like Rain by LIA and Damian Stewart.
2. Mix of Art and Technology - Blending traditional art mediums with technology to create unique and interactive experiences, as demonstrated by Rain by LIA and Damian Stewart.
3. Digital Manipulation of Visuals - Exploring the possibilities of digitally manipulating visual outputs to create dynamic and customizable art, exemplified by Rain by LIA and Damian Stewart.
Industry Implications
1. Artistic Installations - Artistic institutions and galleries can leverage interactive installations like Rain by LIA and Damian Stewart to attract and engage visitors in a unique and memorable way.
2. Creative Technology - The creative technology industry can embrace the fusion of traditional art and technology to develop innovative products and experiences for artists and viewers alike, inspired by Rain by LIA and Damian Stewart.
3. Digital Art and Design - Digital artists and designers can explore new techniques and tools, such as the digital manipulation of visuals, to push the boundaries of what can be achieved in the realm of visual art, inspired by Rain by LIA and Damian Stewart.