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99 Examples of Abandoned Photography

From Eerie Seashore Editorials to Desolate Abode Captures

— October 21, 2013 — Fashion
These abandoned photography series are a good way to spook yourself out prior to Halloween. The vast majority of the captures are of deserted places where people once inhabited, but for one reason or another no longer stay. This includes homes, hospitals, athletic areas like basketball arenas and entire cities. These images have a distinctly ghostly feel to them. Others focus on neglected items such as furniture, luggage and televisions. These shots give insight into dilapidated architecture and general debris.

On the other hand, some of these editorials feature models posing artistically in manipulated post-apocalyptic sets, or make use of previously evacuated and run down spaces.

This abandoned photography often takes place in urban areas, complete with varying levels of graffiti. Hope can be found in the pictures of repurposed locales and installations, providing nice contrast to the haunting images that make up the majority of this collection.
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Candid Destruction Images
Candid Destruction Images
David Schalliol Salvages Beauty from Destruction in Event Photo Series
Untouched Olympic Arena Portraits
Untouched Olympic Arena Portraits
Janie Airey Captures Clean Lines and Color Before the Opening
Pale Wasteland Photography
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Kali by Matthias Heiderich Captures a Minimalist Landscape
Abandoned Zoo Lookbooks
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The Huf FW11 Line Offers Versatile Fashion Presented in an Unusual Manner
Psychotic Time Lapse Films
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Asylum by Drew Geraci is Bone-Chillingly Haunting
Abandoned Water-Park Films
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The 'Kilian Martin: Altered Route' Short Explores Barren Lands
Abandoned Outdoor Photography
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Yasuyuki Takagi Photograhs Empty Natural and Undeveloped Lots
Abandoned City Time Lapses
Abandoned City Time Lapses
Ross Ching's New York City Empty America Feature is Spooky
Eerie Missing Person Photos
Eerie Missing Person Photos
'Last Seen' by Jason Hynes Documents Mysterious Locations
Border Crossing Captures
Border Crossing Captures
The 'Transition' Series by Josef Schulz Examines Europe's Old Checkpoints
Decayed Human Remnant Captures
Decayed Human Remnant Captures
David Maisel's Series on Oregon's Mental Asylum is Unnerving
Haunted Metropolitan Captures
Haunted Metropolitan Captures
The Sophie Van der Perre Photos Explore Nature's Finest
Dilapidated Cuban Sportsgrounds
Dilapidated Cuban Sportsgrounds
Parque Deportivo Jose Marti by Olly Burn was Once a Symbol of Hope
Crowdsourced Abandoned Furniture Photography
Crowdsourced Abandoned Furniture Photography
'Street Chairs' Captures Couches Around the World
Unpopulated City Pictorials
Unpopulated City Pictorials
Tokyo End by Gabriel de la Chapelle is Eerily Empty
Forsaken Modernist Architecture
Forsaken Modernist Architecture
The 'After You Left, They Took it Apart' Series is Poetic
Haunting Hospital Artwork
Haunting Hospital Artwork
This Creepy Abandoned Hospital Art is Created by Herbert Baglione
Patient Luggage Portraits
Patient Luggage Portraits
'The Lost Suitcases of the Willard Asylum' Captures Forgotten Memories
Athletic Area Captures
Athletic Area Captures
Sports Fields by Philipp Lohofener is Mysterious and Lonely
Abandoned Plantation Photography
Abandoned Plantation Photography
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Abandoned Carnival Photography
Abandoned Carnival Photography
Helfried Valenta Captures the Allure of After Hours Amusement Parks
Abandoned Industry Shoots
Abandoned Industry Shoots
The 'Lost Train' Series by Franck Bohbot is Forlorn
Eviscerated Architecture Art
Eviscerated Architecture Art
Marjan Teeuwen Presents Chaotic Buildings on the Verge of Collapse
Abandoned Casino Captures
Abandoned Casino Captures
All Bets Are Off Series Shows What Happens When the Wheels Stop Turning
Chic Abandoned City Shoots
Chic Abandoned City Shoots
'Chongqing City in China' by Mathieu Belin is Both Eery and Graceful
Decaying Structure Photography
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Nighttime Garbage Photography
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Discarded Chandelier Installations
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The Beforelight Under a Different Light Exhibit is Recycled
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Abandoned Aerodrome Photography
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Aging Hangar an Abode for Art at the Singapore Biennale 2011
Abandoned Beach Imagery
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La Costa Gris by Salva Lopez Shows the Shore Off Season
Abandoned Office Shoots
Abandoned Office Shoots
This Joerg Metzner Series is Eery
Artsy Abandoned Street Photographs
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Bert Danckaert Photography Makes City Streets Into Works of Art
Buried Watchtower Photography
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The Rubjerg Knude Lighthouse Photos are Obscured by Sand Heaps
Deserted Neighborhood Captures
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'The Suburbs Sleep' by Paul Shiakallis is Eerie
Midnight Apocalypse Photography
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Abandoned Petrol Pumps
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Abandoned Retailer Athenaeums
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Eerie Seashore Editorials
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Neglected Hoop Photography
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Blended Abandoned Buildings
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The Dormer House by Ben Wolf is a Collage of Decaying Structures
Abandoned Coffee Cup Captures
Abandoned Coffee Cup Captures
This Charming Project by Howard Jackman Features Left Behind Cups
Deliberately Overgrown Hospitals
Deliberately Overgrown Hospitals
Anna Schuleit Brings Flowers to the Psychiatric Ward
Resuscitated Discarded TVs
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Alex Beker's Abandoned Televisions Shows the Importance of Memories
Forsaken Girl Photography
Forsaken Girl Photography
Lola the Abandoned by Remi Rebillard is Dark and Full of Neglect
Misty Abandoned Metropolises
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Kim Holtermand's Deserted City is Ghostly Intriguing
Abandoned Franchise Photography
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Urban Apocalypse Photography
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Dilapidation Documentography
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Archaeological Destruction Sculptures
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Eerie Apocalyptic Photography
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Abandoned Auto Photography
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Abandoned Hospital Photography
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Lonely Object Photos
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The Lisa Sorgini An Isolated Object Tells the Story of Abandoned Items
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Abandoned Metropolis Photography
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Haunting Nature Photography
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Detailed Decaying Photography
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Decrepit Asylum Photography
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Abanoned Pod Buildings
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The Sanzhi Pod City Buildings Exude Sorrow
Skyscraper Squatter Captures
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The Iwan Bann Photographs Document the Abandoned Torre David Building
Forsaken Photography
Forsaken Photography
Photographer Davide Paulesu Shows That There is 'Emptiness All Around'
Lonesome Landscapes
Lonesome Landscapes
'Lost Time' from PXY Stirs Up Strong Emotions
Abandoned City Captures
Abandoned City Captures
Sophia Germer Presents Detroit in Decay
Abandoned Sanatorium Photography
Abandoned Sanatorium Photography
Malaise by Christian Schmeer Captures an Old Haunting Hospital
Desolate Landscape Photography
Desolate Landscape Photography
The Thomas E Gardiner Photography Explores the State of Canada
Forgotten Americana Photography
Forgotten Americana Photography
Paul Vayanos Captures Landmarks with Cultural Heritage
Solitary Splintered Space Spreads
Solitary Splintered Space Spreads
The Pauline Van Der Cruysse Grit Magazine Editorial is Sorrowful
Staggeringly Misplaced Animal Scupltures
Staggeringly Misplaced Animal Scupltures
Adrián Villar Rojas's Beached Whale Statue is Striki
Urban Corrosion Graffiti
Urban Corrosion Graffiti
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Abandoned Amusement Park Photography
Abandoned Amusement Park Photography
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Desolate Abode Captures
Desolate Abode Captures
The Abandoned Building Photographs by Cari Ann Wayman are Intimate
Abandoned Cali Cribs
Abandoned Cali Cribs
The 'Prospect' House by Jonathan Segal was Built on an Expansive Barren Lot
Colorful Forgotten Spaces
Colorful Forgotten Spaces
The Unclear Ground/ Terrain Vague Creates a Mystical Universe
Abandoned Object Photography
Abandoned Object Photography
These Depictions of Items Left Behind Showcase Loneliness
Abandoned Shelter Scenery
Abandoned Shelter Scenery
Nicolas Poillot Photography Focusses on Isolated Architecture
Subdued Suit Shoots
Subdued Suit Shoots
Kirt Reynolds Captures Subtle-Hued Images
Ghostly Theme Park Portraits
Ghostly Theme Park Portraits
The Architizer Abandoned Amusement Park Series is Sadly Nostalgic
Deserted Desert City Photography
Deserted Desert City Photography
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Post-Apocalyptic Photography
Post-Apocalyptic Photography
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Albanian Bunker Photography
Albanian Bunker Photography
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Abandoned Movie Set Photography
Abandoned Movie Set Photography
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Rustic Abandoned Prisons
Rustic Abandoned Prisons
Key West, Florida Houses a Deserted Island with the Dry Tortugas
Abandoned Architecture Photography
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The ‘Abandoned America’ Series Captures Desolate Sp
Vivid Abandoned Photography
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Urban Exploring by Simon Christen is an Eerily Cool Collection
Abandoned Bank Photography
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Jonathan Castellino Revists the Bank of Toronto
Creepy Then-and-Now Collages
Creepy Then-and-Now Collages
Detroit Urbex Blends Vintage Captures with Present Day Shots
Abandoned Motel Pool Photography
Abandoned Motel Pool Photography
The No Life Guard on Duty Series Still Exhibits a Seed of Life
Junkyard Punk Portraits
Junkyard Punk Portraits
The Sandalwood Chasseur Editorial Exudes Edgy Elegance
Eerie Abandoned Architecture Photography
Eerie Abandoned Architecture Photography
Niki Feijen's 'Decay' series is Endearingly Spooky
Abandoned Photography
Abandoned Photography
Fabiano Parisi Focuses on Human and Industrial Waste
Abandoned Animal Photography
Abandoned Animal Photography
Kai Fagerstrom Photographs Abandoned Animals in Decrepit Houses
Abandoned Asylum Photography
Abandoned Asylum Photography
Jenny Hardcore Stays True to Her Name
Abandoned Roadside Photography
Abandoned Roadside Photography
Carlos Gotay Shoots Magic in the Lonely Air for Dramatic Photos
Hauntingly Realistic Asylum Photos
Hauntingly Realistic Asylum Photos
Dan Marbaix's Haunted Asylum Photography Has a Disturbing Feel