Visa Playoff Beard Campaign Integrates Fans in the NHL 2012 Season
References: creativecriminals
The Visa Playoff Beard ad campaign depicts die-hard hockey fans in an awkward family photo in anticipation for the NHL 2012 season. Inspired by the hype around the discovery of awkward family photos, Visa has challenged this thought by pursuing the combination of this and the beloved playoff beard. The playoff beard is sported by NHL players and fans once their team has entered the playoff season. Beards are then grown out until the team is kicked out of the series by losing a maximum of four games in a seven game set.
Visa is a sponser of the NHL 2012 season and consistently humors spectators in hilarious advertisements. This year is no exception and draws on the admiration of the sport.
Visa is a sponser of the NHL 2012 season and consistently humors spectators in hilarious advertisements. This year is no exception and draws on the admiration of the sport.
Trend Themes
1. Visa Sponsorship Campaigns - Exploring unique methods to promote sponsorship with humor and relatable social media content
2. Integration of Fan Culture - Developing campaigns that involve and incorporate the fans/fan culture of a particular sport or industry
3. Use of Awkward Humor - Employing awkward humor as a means of marketing to help generate engagement and brand awareness
Industry Implications
1. Sports Sponsorship - Incorporating fan culture in marketing campaigns, especially those that require support from social media
2. Social Media Marketing - Exploring how companies can use social media more effectively to engage with their target market and boost brand recognition
3. Advertising and Public Relations - Helping clients use innovative forms of marketing, such as humor and branded media content, to draw attention and gain valuable exposure