Living Food by Minsu Kim Involves Creepy Culinary Creations
Meghan Young — July 3, 2013 — Lifestyle
References: & psfk
Despite the title of the project, Living Food by Minsu Kim, a graduate from the Royal College Of Art, does not involve living organisms in any shape or form. Instead, the title simply alludes to the fact that the inanimate meals move like living creatures. Whether it is the wriggling and waving of tentacles or the simulation of breathing, the culinary creations may look gourmet, but they act creepy.
Created for the Design Interactions department graduation exhibition, Living Food by Minsu Kim is comprised of three variations. It essentially provides a new experience for dining, one that involves a bit of bravery on the part of those who won't be able to acknowledge the dishes' artificial nature.
Created for the Design Interactions department graduation exhibition, Living Food by Minsu Kim is comprised of three variations. It essentially provides a new experience for dining, one that involves a bit of bravery on the part of those who won't be able to acknowledge the dishes' artificial nature.
Trend Themes
1. Artificial Culinary Creations - There is a trend towards creating artificial culinary creations that mimic living organisms for a unique dining experience.
2. Interactive Food Design - Interactive food design like Living Food by Minsu Kim provides a new experience for dining and has great potential for future innovation.
3. Culinary Performance Art - The concept of creating edible meals that look and act like living creatures blurs the line between culinary art and performance art, providing new opportunities for innovation and experimentation.
Industry Implications
1. Fine Dining - Fine dining restaurants could benefit from incorporating interactive food design to provide a more unique and memorable experience for their customers.
2. Food Technology - Food technology companies can explore the potential of creating artificial culinary creations and experimenting with new ways of presenting food as a form of art and entertainment.
3. Art and Design - The merging of food and design in projects like Living Food by Minsu Kim blur the lines between disciplines and offer unique opportunities for innovative and experimental creations in the art and design industry.