The LILAC Community Homes are Made Entirely from Straw
M — June 2, 2013 — Social Good
References: & psfk
The LILAC housing initiative in Leeds, England brings affordable and environmentally friendly homes to those in need.
The LILAC housing community proves those in need with well-built and inexpensive homes. Twenty homes were constructed entirely out of straw bale and wood, making these houses extremely carbon efficient, strong and well-heated. The straw is a surprisingly great building material that’s cost-effective but doesn’t skimp on quality, insulation or strength. Home buyers don’t directly pay for the homes either, but instead put 35% of their income into a trust as a form of investment payment that they can get back if they move out before three years.
These homes made from straw are also extremely stylish, well-kept and modern looking. The LILAC housing community also fosters community gardens, a community kitchen and laundry area and 50 bike storage spaces.
The LILAC housing community proves those in need with well-built and inexpensive homes. Twenty homes were constructed entirely out of straw bale and wood, making these houses extremely carbon efficient, strong and well-heated. The straw is a surprisingly great building material that’s cost-effective but doesn’t skimp on quality, insulation or strength. Home buyers don’t directly pay for the homes either, but instead put 35% of their income into a trust as a form of investment payment that they can get back if they move out before three years.
These homes made from straw are also extremely stylish, well-kept and modern looking. The LILAC housing community also fosters community gardens, a community kitchen and laundry area and 50 bike storage spaces.
Trend Themes
1. Sustainable Housing - The trend towards using eco-friendly and affordable materials, such as straw bale, for building low-cost homes provides an opportunity for sustainable housing solutions.
2. Community-led Housing - The increase in community-led housing initiatives, such as LILAC, enable individuals to come together and collaborate on creating affordable and sustainable homes that prioritize well-being.
3. Affordable Housing - The growing demand for affordable housing, particularly in urban areas, offers opportunities for the development of innovative housing solutions, such as LILAC's shared-ownership housing model.
Industry Implications
1. Construction and Building Materials - There's potential for the construction industry to offer sustainable and affordable materials, such as straw bales that can be used for building low-cost homes.
2. Real Estate and Property Management - The real estate industry has the opportunity to invest in community-led initiatives that prioritize affordability, sustainability, and well-being, such as the LILAC housing community.
3. Finance and Investment - The investment and finance industry can partner with community-led housing initiatives and offer innovative financing models to support the development of affordable and sustainable housing solutions, such as LILAC's shared-ownership model.