Ryan Frank's Free Range Plastic Chair
References: ryanfrank.net
Festive and good for the environment (but maybe a bit scratchy on bare legs) the inspiration behind 'Inkuku' by London-based, South African designer Ryan Frank is a colourful South African chicken ornament. Named after the Zulu word for chicken, Frank combines his interest in traditional craft techniques and 'free range' recycled materials-- even the base is recycled aluminium. Playful and easy on the environment, its a topical trend to make us rethink our relationship with plastic bags.
Trend Themes
1. Recycled Furniture - There is opportunity in creating more sustainable and eco-friendly furniture pieces by incorporating recycled materials and traditional craft techniques.
2. Free Range Design - There is opportunity in exploring the use of recycled and eco-friendly materials in creative ways to design innovative products, such as Ryan Frank's 'Inkuku' chair.
3. Plastic Bag Alternatives - There is opportunity in designing practical and stylish alternatives to plastic bags that are both eco-friendly and functional, as seen in the 'Inkuku' chair's use of recycled materials.
Industry Implications
1. Furniture - The furniture industry can explore new methods of eco-friendly production and materials, such as recycled materials and free-range design.
2. Home Decor - The home decor industry can incorporate sustainability and eco-friendliness into their products, such as using recycled materials or designing functional alternatives to plastic bags.
3. Fashion - The fashion industry can integrate sustainability and eco-friendliness into their designs, such as using recycled materials and exploring unique design techniques as seen in the 'Inkuku' chair.