This Hard Iced Tea Offers Welcome Respite From the Summer Heat
Rahul Kalvapalle — August 20, 2016 — Lifestyle
References: millercoors & prnewswire
Chicago-based beverage manufacturer Miller Coots is launching a brand new hard iced tea beverage dubbed Easy Tea Co. This refreshing drink offers a crisply carbonated texture and a zesty citrus taste, making it ideal for a hot summer's day.
What makes this hard iced tea different from most other ice tea products on the market is the fact that it doesn't have a sweet and sugary flavor, instead opting for a sour and lemony kick. Each can measures in at 24 ounces and offers 5 percent alcohol.
Easy Tea Co will be made available in both liquor shops and convenience stores in a number of select US markets including New York, New Jersey and Wisconsin. It is a great example of a seasonally targeted beverage that specifically caters to summertime revelers.
What makes this hard iced tea different from most other ice tea products on the market is the fact that it doesn't have a sweet and sugary flavor, instead opting for a sour and lemony kick. Each can measures in at 24 ounces and offers 5 percent alcohol.
Easy Tea Co will be made available in both liquor shops and convenience stores in a number of select US markets including New York, New Jersey and Wisconsin. It is a great example of a seasonally targeted beverage that specifically caters to summertime revelers.
Trend Themes
1. Hard Iced Tea - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Explore new flavor profiles and textures to create unique hard iced tea products that stand out in the market.
2. Sour and Lemony - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Experiment with unconventional flavor combinations to offer consumers refreshing and tangy alternatives to traditional sweet and sugary beverages.
3. Seasonally Targeted Beverages - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop and market beverages that are specifically crafted to meet the seasonal preferences and demands of consumers.
Industry Implications
1. Beverage Manufacturing - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Integrate new technologies and techniques to enhance the production process and create innovative beverages.
2. Liquor Retail - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Explore partnerships with craft beverage brands and offer unique and exclusive products to cater to evolving consumer preferences.
3. Convenience Store - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Expand the product offerings by partnering with local or regional beverage manufacturers to provide customers with a diverse range of specialty beverages.