CPAA Use Music Associated With Death to Fight Cancer
Julian — February 16, 2012 — Social Good
References: & dailymail
Smoking in India is a major concern to the country's health officials. The CPAA, Cancer Patient Aid Association has come up with an ingenious idea, albeit slightly eerie, that uses cultural associations with music to deter smokers from lighting up.
The country's fight against cancer took them to street lighters, often found adjacent to cigarette vendors who sell cigarettes loose, which is illegal in most other countries. The CPAA replaced several street lighters with ones that played a specific piece of music called 'Raam Naam Satya Hai,' which is chanted when a dead body is carried to the funeral pyre, and so is culturally linked to death.
Every time someone tried to use the the lighter, the chant was played. The results were incredible, with many smokers shocked at the direct anti-smoking message they received -- some of them even discarded their cigarettes in horror.
The country's fight against cancer took them to street lighters, often found adjacent to cigarette vendors who sell cigarettes loose, which is illegal in most other countries. The CPAA replaced several street lighters with ones that played a specific piece of music called 'Raam Naam Satya Hai,' which is chanted when a dead body is carried to the funeral pyre, and so is culturally linked to death.
Every time someone tried to use the the lighter, the chant was played. The results were incredible, with many smokers shocked at the direct anti-smoking message they received -- some of them even discarded their cigarettes in horror.
Trend Themes
1. Music-based Smoking Deterrents - Using music associated with death to deter smokers from lighting up.
2. Cultural Associations and Behavior Change - Leveraging cultural associations with music to influence smoking behavior.
3. Innovative Approaches to Smoking Cessation - Exploring unconventional methods, such as music, to promote smoking cessation.
Industry Implications
1. Healthcare - Incorporating music-based smoking deterrents as part of comprehensive smoking cessation programs.
2. Public Health - Utilizing cultural associations and music to support anti-smoking campaigns and behavior change initiatives.
3. Marketing and Advertising - Creating innovative campaigns that utilize music and cultural associations to promote smoking cessation products and services.