The European Council Building is in Brussels, Belgium
Joey Haar — December 29, 2016 — Art & Design
References: samynandpartners & archdaily
The European Council building, called the Justus Lipsius, has a bold and all-encompassing architectural style that reflects the building's import as the location for hosting some of the continent's most important policy and diplomacy meetings. The design features a metal latticework cube that surrounds and partially obscures a large volumetric sphere inside.
The sphere-within-cube design of the European Council building is ripe with metaphors. For one, the lattice that holds the sphere is a metaphor for the council's attempt to impose order and stability on the world. Also, the building as a whole is a visual reference to the flag of the European Union, with the lattice being the outline of the flag and the sphere as the ring of stars inside.
The sphere-within-cube design of the European Council building is ripe with metaphors. For one, the lattice that holds the sphere is a metaphor for the council's attempt to impose order and stability on the world. Also, the building as a whole is a visual reference to the flag of the European Union, with the lattice being the outline of the flag and the sphere as the ring of stars inside.
Trend Themes
1. Spherical Architecture - The trend of using spherical buildings with unique lattice encasements presents opportunities for innovative and visually striking architectural designs.
2. Metaphorical Design - The trend of incorporating metaphorical elements into building designs opens up possibilities for storytelling and symbolic expression in architecture.
3. Iconic Government Structures - The trend of creating iconic government buildings, like the European Council building, enables cities to showcase their importance and diplomatic roles on a global scale.
Industry Implications
1. Architecture - The architectural industry can explore disruptive opportunities in designing cutting-edge lattice-encased spherical buildings that captivate and inspire.
2. Urban Planning - Urban planners can consider the impact of metaphorical design in creating unique city landmarks that communicate cultural, political, or historical significance.
3. Government - Government agencies can leverage the trend of iconic government structures to enhance their diplomatic presence and foster a sense of national pride and unity.