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50 Prefab Home Designs

From Sustainable Prefab Cabins to Practical Social Housing Solutions

— April 10, 2017 — Art & Design
While prefab home designs are not exactly new, premade parts have become increasingly popular over the years. Whether the project is a backyard studio or an affordable housing complex, prefab is quickly becoming a go-to construction method.

One of the main benefits of prefab construction is that the rapid turnaround time. Unlike conventional construction, prefab buildings can be set up in a few months or even just a few weeks. As a result, prefab has become a popular choice for time-sensitive projects, such as affordable housing complexes like the ones built by Richard Rogers in London or the Aleutia classrooms in Kenya.

Beyond speedy construction, another benefit to prefab home designs is the eco-friendly aspect. As consumers become increasingly conscious about their environment footprint, prefab construction is seen as a more popular way to go green. Examples of some of these eco-friends home designs include ArchiBlox's sleek wooden home, the solar-powered cabins in the Azores and the low-energy Forest Lodge by Pad Studio.
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Prefabricated Solar Classrooms
Prefabricated Solar Classrooms
These Prefab Classrooms Feature Solar-Powered Computers
Prefab Housing Complexes
Prefab Housing Complexes
Live Light's Urban Housing Unit Introduces Small Prefab Spaces to Boston
Prefab Dining Pavilions
Prefab Dining Pavilions
The Volu Dining Pavilion Was Designed By Zaha Hadid
Customizable Prefab Housing
Customizable Prefab Housing
The Bert's Box Project Uses Reclaimed Materials That are Made to Order
Pre-Fabricated Housing Communities
Pre-Fabricated Housing Communities
The 'S House 3' Will Be Used to Make Planned Neighborhoods
Upgraded Plugin Housing
Upgraded Plugin Housing
This Prefabricated Modular System Revitalizes an Old Chinese Village
Stacked Shelter Concepts
Stacked Shelter Concepts
This Temporary Shelter Features Three Stacked Prefabricated Blocks
Prefab Wood-Clad Preschools
Prefab Wood-Clad Preschools
Vendelso Hage Preschool was a Collaborative Project
Shipping Container Residences
Shipping Container Residences
This Prefrabricated Home Was Designed With Limited Space
Prefabricated Cottage Renovations
Prefabricated Cottage Renovations
This Updated Country Home is Completed With Pre-Made Elements
Prefabricated Apartment Units
Prefabricated Apartment Units
The 'La Casa Por El Tejado' Project Aims to Combat Urban Sprawl
Practical Social Housing Solutions
Practical Social Housing Solutions
These Prefab Homes Provide Affordable Temporary Housing
Energy-Efficient Flatpack Homes
Energy-Efficient Flatpack Homes
This Prefab House Produces as Much Energy as It Consumes
Prefabricated Parisian Apartments
Prefabricated Parisian Apartments
These Prefab Structures Help to Maximize Space in Paris
Prefabricated Hut Designs
Prefabricated Hut Designs
These Treehouses Were Created With Recycled Timber
Sustainable Renovated Homes
Sustainable Renovated Homes
This House from the 1930s Gets Redone and Brought to the Modern Age
Pre-Fabricated Farm Homes
Pre-Fabricated Farm Homes
This Contemporary Estate Stands Out in its Rural Farm Setting
Compact Prefab Apartments
Compact Prefab Apartments
New York's 'Carmel Place' is the City's First Official Micro-Apartment
Low-Cost Refugee Camps
Low-Cost Refugee Camps
These Flat-Pack Homes Provide a Long-Term Solution for Housing Refugees
Educational Micro Cabins
Educational Micro Cabins
The Outward Bound Colorado Chalets Feature a Small-Scale Container Shape
Austere Hutong Homes
Austere Hutong Homes
People's Architecture Office Built a Stark Home in a Beijing Hutong
Miniature Prefab Homes
Miniature Prefab Homes
The Pin-Up Houses 'France' House Can be Assembled in Just Three Hours
Prefabricated Stucco Homes
Prefabricated Stucco Homes
This Contemporary Home is Split into Two Distinct Wings
Isolated Rectangular Retreats
Isolated Rectangular Retreats
'Retreat in Finca Aguy' is Alone on a Uruguayan Plateau
Solar-Powered Eco-Cabins
Solar-Powered Eco-Cabins
These Resort Cabins Offer An Eco-Friendly Vacation Stay
Outdoorsy Micro Cabins
Outdoorsy Micro Cabins
These Micro Cabins Allow Ample Storage Room For Personal Outdoor Vehicles
Modular Prefab Homes
Modular Prefab Homes
Skilpod's Energy Positive Homes Are Ideal For Singles and Seniors
Prefabricated Floating Houses
Prefabricated Floating Houses
These Custom Homes Can Be Shipped to Almost Anywhere in the World
Prefab Micro Apartments
Prefab Micro Apartments
These Tiny Apartments Provide Affordable Housing in Dense Urban Areas
Modular Prefabricated Shelters
Modular Prefabricated Shelters
The VIMOB Shelters Can Be Assembled In Complicated Areas
Hobbit-Friendly Homes
Hobbit-Friendly Homes
This DIY Prefab Home Lets You Live Like a Hobbit
Accessible Prefab Houses
Accessible Prefab Houses
FabCab's Houses are Accessible Without Looking Too Sterile
Small-Space Yoga Homes
Small-Space Yoga Homes
This Small Home on Wheels was Designed for a Yoga Instructor
Famed Prefab Houses
Famed Prefab Houses
'Revolution Precrafted' Offers Prefab Houses Designed by Big-Name Architects
Prefab Outdoor Cork Cabins
Prefab Outdoor Cork Cabins
The 'Ecocubo' Nature Cabin is Crafted Using Eco-Friendly Materials
Flatpack Recreational Cabins
Flatpack Recreational Cabins
The Backcountry Hut Company Outdoor Cabins are Prefabricated
Sustainable Prefabricated Homes
Sustainable Prefabricated Homes
This Low-Energy House Was Brought Over to Its Clients with a Crane
Stackable Zero-Energy Homes
Stackable Zero-Energy Homes
The '#150 Skilpod' is a Stackable Prefab Home for Eco-Friendly Living
Sustainable Prefab Cabins
Sustainable Prefab Cabins
Ark Prefab Cabins Provide a Turnkey Option to Escape the Grind
High-End Prefab Homes
High-End Prefab Homes
The Diago Home by J Mayer H Enhances Home Architecture Design Expectations
Tiny Prefab Homes
Tiny Prefab Homes
The Big Box Homes Are Highly Sustainable and Eminently Affordable
Tiny Prefabricated Houses
Tiny Prefabricated Houses
This Eco-Friendly Home Can Be Set Up Quickly
Portable Box Homes
Portable Box Homes
The 'Teeny Box' is a Prefabricated Space Made from Reclaimed Materials
Stilted Solar Homes
Stilted Solar Homes
The Sustainable ZED Pods Can Be Installed in Parking Lots
Contemporary Rustic Homes
Contemporary Rustic Homes
This Secluded Wildnerness Home Features Touches of Modern Design
Eco Prefab Homes
Eco Prefab Homes
This Wood House by ArchiBlox Features a Green Roof and Sustainable Wood
Prefabricated Eco-Homes
Prefabricated Eco-Homes
Deltec Offers Affordable Houses Made from Sustainable Materials
Prefabricated Guest Homes
Prefabricated Guest Homes
This Tiny Guest House Has All the Basic Amenities of Most Houses
Portable Prefabricated Rooms
Portable Prefabricated Rooms
Expand Your Home Space with Inoutside's Prefabricated Buildings