10 Eye-Popping Images
wealth Wonders — September 25, 2008 — Pop Culture
References: crazy-picsblog.blogspot
Some of these Photoshopped images look like something straight out of a Salvador Dali painting. While Photoshop can certainly be used for good, such as to retouch old images and fix minor red-eye or flash flaws, it also be used to up the gore quotient.
These ten images are a bit early for Halloween, but they're right in the gory spirit of the season.
Implications - In today's market, many products, ideas and services have been exhausted and overdone to the point where they have lost their zest or unique qualities. Products, including art or photography, that break away from their traditional or conventional roles and functions to provide consumers with an inventive and uncommon experience will certainly generate positive views from consumers who find themselves bored with the products offered today.
These ten images are a bit early for Halloween, but they're right in the gory spirit of the season.
Implications - In today's market, many products, ideas and services have been exhausted and overdone to the point where they have lost their zest or unique qualities. Products, including art or photography, that break away from their traditional or conventional roles and functions to provide consumers with an inventive and uncommon experience will certainly generate positive views from consumers who find themselves bored with the products offered today.
Trend Themes
1. Gore Aesthetics - While some may view gore as repulsive, there is a growing trend toward using it as an artistic and aesthetic choice in visual media.
2. Unconventional Art - Consumers are seeking out art and creative content that challenges conventional norms and pushes boundaries in unexpected ways.
3. Digital Manipulation Innovation - As software and technology continue to evolve, there is a growing opportunity for innovative and boundary-pushing digital manipulation in creative fields.
Industry Implications
1. Photography - As photography becomes increasingly digital and accessible, there is an opportunity for professionals and amateurs alike to experiment with creative digital manipulation techniques.
2. Art - Traditional artistic mediums are being pushed to their limits as more artists embrace digital manipulation, unconventional techniques, and boundary-pushing content.
3. Media and Entertainment - As consumers seek out more unconventional and boundary-pushing content, media and entertainment companies have the opportunity to create innovative and unique experiences that connect with audiences in new ways.