Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation Shows Stark Reality
References: roycastle.org & arabaquarius.blogspot
We've seen our fair share of anti-smoking ads and PSAs, but this abstract ad by the Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation drives the point home without even using written copy.
The ad simply uses a hospital bed that evokes the style and colors of a cigarette.
The message is quite clear: Smoking is a sure path to lung cancer and death.
Implications - The witty ad was created by CHI&Partners in London, UK. The photographer for this simple yet shocking advertisement is 'Stock' and the woman who designed the cigarette-looking hospital bed is Kylie McLean. The creative director, Ewan Paterson and the art director, Dave Masterman worked together along with their coworkers to create an ad that speaks volumes.
The ad simply uses a hospital bed that evokes the style and colors of a cigarette.
The message is quite clear: Smoking is a sure path to lung cancer and death.
Implications - The witty ad was created by CHI&Partners in London, UK. The photographer for this simple yet shocking advertisement is 'Stock' and the woman who designed the cigarette-looking hospital bed is Kylie McLean. The creative director, Ewan Paterson and the art director, Dave Masterman worked together along with their coworkers to create an ad that speaks volumes.
Trend Themes
1. Anti-smoking Ads - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop new ways to convey the dangers of smoking without using traditional written copy.
2. Abstract Advertising - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Explore creative approaches to conveying messages through visual elements rather than relying on text.
3. Visual Impact - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Utilize eye-catching visuals to make a strong emotional impact and capture attention in advertising campaigns.
Industry Implications
1. Healthcare Advertising - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Apply innovative advertising techniques to raise awareness about health risks and promote healthy behaviors.
2. Creative Design - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Incorporate unique and unconventional design elements to create visually compelling advertisements and marketing materials.
3. Public Health Campaigns - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop creative messaging strategies to effectively communicate health-related information and motivate behavior change.