Marchand Builds a Fort Made from 400 Colorful Blocks of Ice in His Backy
Tiffany — January 27, 2014 — Art & Design
References: imgur & mymodernmet
Inspired by the icy cold temperatures currently being experienced in North America, Canadian born Chris Marchand has created a colorful fort that was completely made of ice in his backyard.
Marchand created the giant colorful structure by using materials that are commonly found in homes like plastic containers, water and ice (snow), food coloring and a toboggan. Over the course of a month, Marchand created approximately 30 blocks of ice a day in the 8 liter plastic container boxes. Every 12 hours, Marchand takes the bricks of ice and layers them on top of each other. The result is a 400 colorful blocks of ice stacked together to form a five foot tall ice fort that functions as a wind blocker as well as a visually stunning wall of ice.
Marchand created the giant colorful structure by using materials that are commonly found in homes like plastic containers, water and ice (snow), food coloring and a toboggan. Over the course of a month, Marchand created approximately 30 blocks of ice a day in the 8 liter plastic container boxes. Every 12 hours, Marchand takes the bricks of ice and layers them on top of each other. The result is a 400 colorful blocks of ice stacked together to form a five foot tall ice fort that functions as a wind blocker as well as a visually stunning wall of ice.
Trend Themes
1. Colorful Ice Structures - Opportunity to create visually stunning ice structures using colorful blocks of ice.
2. DIY Ice Construction - Potential for individuals to build their own ice structures using readily available materials.
3. Cold-weather Art Installations - Emerging trend of creating art installations inspired by freezing temperatures.
Industry Implications
1. Event Planning - Incorporating ice structures into event planning for unique and eye-catching displays.
2. Tourism - Utilizing colorful ice structures to attract tourists in cold-weather destinations.
3. Construction - Exploring the use of ice as a temporary building material for specialized projects or marketing campaigns.