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22 Streamlined Wellness Solutions

From Soothing Meditation Apps to Health-Monitoring Mouth Guards

— September 17, 2015 — Tech
The digital devices people are connected to are often the culprits of stress and physical pain, but rather than using them to the point of harm, many consumers are taking a more mindful approach by using them as part of wellness solutions.

The upkeep of strong mental, emotional and physical health is streamlined with tools for practicing meditation, monitoring moods and organizing fitness and diet plans. One of the most notable examples is the Owaves Wellness Calendar, which makes it possible for a user to lay out a balanced schedule to address their daily health and wellness needs.

Although being constantly immersed in the digital world can be detrimental to one's overall state, many people are finding a happy balance with wellness solutions like these.
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Soothing White Noise Apps
Soothing White Noise Apps
This App Provides the a Meditative Soundtrack for Sleeping
Balanced Activity Apps
Balanced Activity Apps
DinnerTime Plus Helps Parents Regulate a Child's Device Usage
Health-Monitoring Mouth Guards
Health-Monitoring Mouth Guards
This Smart Mouth Guard Tests Saliva to Track Health
Health Companion Apps
Health Companion Apps
This App Gives You a Digital Buddy That Pushes You to Be Healthy
Track-Mixing Relaxation Apps
Track-Mixing Relaxation Apps
The Omvana Meditation App Lets Users Overlay Ambient & Vocal Tracks
Spiritual Alarm Apps
Spiritual Alarm Apps
Gabby Bernstein's Spirit Junkie App Pairs Waking Up with Uplifting Statements
Minimalist Sleep Apps
Minimalist Sleep Apps
MUJI to Sleep Provides Nature-Inspired Tracks to Induce Relaxation
Mood-Deciphering Apps
Mood-Deciphering Apps
Moodnotes Improves Users' Well-Being and Mental Health
Comprehensive Life Trackers
Comprehensive Life Trackers
'Vytal' is a Life Tracker That Monitor's a User's Eight Vital Signs
Wellness Coach Apps
Wellness Coach Apps
Kumu Coaches Create Custom Goals for Your Fitness, Health and Well-Being
Office Stretching Apps
Office Stretching Apps
The Salute the Desk App Provides Guided Stretching Poses to Improve Posture
Transcendental Meditation Apps
Transcendental Meditation Apps
This Mindful App is Endorsed by Music Mogul Russell Simmons
Anxiety-Alleviating Apps
Anxiety-Alleviating Apps
This App Pushes Users to Carry Out Stress-Reducing Activities
Massage Delivery Apps
Massage Delivery Apps
This Massage App Brings a Certified Massuses Directy to You in Under 1 Hour
Personalized Relaxation Apps
Personalized Relaxation Apps
Taomix Helps Users Build Soothing Sound Mixes for Sleep
Stress Management Selfie Apps
Stress Management Selfie Apps
The Dina Re:lax Stress Measurement Tool Measures Pulse with Selfies
Soothing Meditation Apps
Soothing Meditation Apps
The MindSurf App is an Ideal Relaxation Technique For Your Mobile Phone
Daily Mindfulness Apps
Daily Mindfulness Apps
The Get Some Headspace App Provides a Series of 10-Minute Meditations
Minimal Ambient Noise Apps
Minimal Ambient Noise Apps
The Noisli App Lets You Take Soothing Sounds Anywhere
Instructive Meditation Apps
Instructive Meditation Apps
Stop, Breathe and Think is a Self-Taught Meditation App
Holistic Health Scheduling Apps
Holistic Health Scheduling Apps
The Owaves Wellness Calendar Helps You Plan a Balanced Day
Guided Mindfulness Apps
Guided Mindfulness Apps
The Buddhify 2 App Helps Users Find Ease Throughout the Day