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50 Wearable Technology Examples

From Heart-Monitoring Jewelry to Programmable Statement Tees

— September 5, 2014 — Tech
These examples of wearable technology range from the common Smartwatch concept to more sophisticated designs like the t-shirt you can program and sync with any device. Technology is constantly progressing, making it nearly impossible to stay away from social media platforms, online browsing and your smartphone device.

Today's generations are attached to their electronic devices, making these wearable tech products that much more practical for this generation and others that will follow it.

Notable examples from this list include social media-synced jewelry and timepieces along with other products that are designed with health benefits in mind.

A great product that fits into this category is Pulse by Electricfoxy. Disguised as a ring, this accessory measures one's heart rate and ensures your workouts are not too draining.
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