Tan’s Devices are Reality Mediators for Bad Habits and Laziness
In the ever-growing realm of innovations that have more and more to do with wearable technology, Chinese designer Ling Tan created a series of Reality Mediators that aim to punish laziness and bad habits. These wearable technologies incorporate sensors that are able to detect any form of muscle movement, GPS locating and brainwave activity. It may cause uneasy and undesirable sensations if the wearer stops moving, stops concentrating or takes a mental pause for too long. They will then experience an unpleasant experience that can come in form of an electric shock or an unpleasant sound. On the electrical armband Tan, it says, “The muscle electrical stimulation armband has the ability to disrupt the user’s daily activities such as typing, writing or holding something in their hand”.
The result is the wearer is forced into changing their habits or routine in order to avoid the uncomfortable shock the devices cause.
The result is the wearer is forced into changing their habits or routine in order to avoid the uncomfortable shock the devices cause.
Trend Themes
1. Punitive Wearable Technology - This trend involves the creation of wearable technologies that aim to punish laziness and bad habits, using sensors to detect muscle movement, GPS locating, and brainwave activity.
2. Reality Mediators - This trend focuses on the development of wearable devices that disrupt daily activities and habits by providing unpleasant sensations, such as electric shocks or unpleasant sounds.
3. Disruptive Habit-shifting - This trend encourages individuals to change their habits and routines in order to avoid the uncomfortable experiences caused by punitive wearable technologies.
Industry Implications
1. Fitness and Wellness - The fitness and wellness industry can explore opportunities to incorporate punitive wearable technologies as a means of motivating individuals to adopt healthier habits and stay active.
2. Technology and Gadgets - The technology and gadgets industry can embrace the development of reality mediators and explore innovative ways to integrate disruptive features into wearable devices.
3. Behavioral Modification - The behavioral modification industry can leverage punitive wearable technologies to provide individuals with tools for breaking bad habits and fostering positive behavior change.