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36 Braille Innovations

Trends for the Visually Impaired

— April 2, 2010 — Social Good
For the visually impaired, it is nice to see that there is no shortage of innovations for which sight is required.

Largely through the use of Braille and sounds, these trends for the visually impaired include functional items such as books and time pieces, cosmetic items such as neck ties and tattoos, and some other miscellaneous ideas including avatars and even Braille pornography.

Implications - It is nice to see that braille is becoming an every day sighting within society. Some of the unique braille things that are featured include graffiti braille, which is written in big letters on a wall outdoors. Braille has even inspired some architects to create some very innovative buildings.
Sightless Soap Spouts
Sightless Soap Spouts
The Eco Pump Smart Dispenser Cleanses With Reusable Soap
Braille Campaign
Braille Campaign
McCann Erickson "Dots" Ad
Braille Measuring Devices
Braille Measuring Devices
The Tikk-Tekk Rainbow is Designed for the Blind
Blind Poetry
Blind Poetry
Australian Designers Create Braille Jewellery Line
Braille Textured Home Decor
Braille Textured Home Decor
The Love Is Blind Vase
Braille Book Readers
Braille Book Readers
The Haptic Reader Concept Brings Basic Books to Life for the Visually Impaire
Embossed Labels
Embossed Labels
The Braille Printer Helps Visually Challenged Identify Items
Labelmakers for the Blind
Labelmakers for the Blind
The 6dot Braille Labeler Makes Finding Things Simple Sans Sight
Braille Graffiti
Braille Graffiti
Art For The Blind
Textured Flash Cards
Textured Flash Cards
Hello Haptic Lets Blind Children Learn About the Outdoors
Painting for the Blind
Painting for the Blind
‘Touch Colour' Uses Heat Identifiers to Pick Hues & Create Art
Color Blind Identifiers
Color Blind Identifiers
The Color Add Identification System Helps Differntiate Between Colors
Braille Mobile Phones
Braille Mobile Phones
Zhenwei You's 'B-Touchphone' Gives Technological Sight to the Blind
Braille Mobile Phones
Braille Mobile Phones
Seonkeun Park Creates a Mobile for the Visually Impaired
Braille Mobiles
Braille Mobiles
The Universal Phone Designed for the Blind
Braille E-Books
Braille E-Books
The Perfect Gadget for Visually-Impaired Readers
Braille Wine Bottle
Braille Wine Bottle
Braille Neck Ties
Braille Neck Ties
Controverisal Fashion for the Blind
Controverisal Fashion for the Blind
Braille Tees
Braille Band-Aid Boxes
Braille Band-Aid Boxes
U.S. Seeing Textured Packaging for the Visually Impaired
iPhone Mods for the Visually Impaired
iPhone Mods for the Visually Impaired
'Silicon Touch' Case
$10 Hand-Held Braille Writer
$10 Hand-Held Braille Writer
Blind Mind Games
Blind Mind Games
The Braille Rubik's Cube by Konstantin Datz
Braille-Inspired Buildings
Braille-Inspired Buildings
The Chrome Hotel Facade is Punctuated With Many Holes
Blind Time Tellers
Blind Time Tellers
The Braille Wristwatch Makes Telling Time Simpler and Intuitive
Braille Watches
Braille Watches
‘Feel the Time' Lets You Tell Time by Touch
Braille Label Makers
Braille Label Makers
Innovative Design Creates Stickers for Visually Impaired
Braille Wallpaper
Braille Wallpaper
Textile Wall Coverings by Ilias Fotopoulos Tell a Story
Blind Photographers
Blind Photographers
Visually Impaired Artists Find Their Vision Through the Lens
Tattoos for the Blind
Tattoos for the Blind
Braille Ink Offers Another Dimension of Body Design
Mugs for the Sightless
Mugs for the Sightless
The Braun Bell Makes Beverage Pouring Easier for the Blind
Insightful Packaging Campaigns
Insightful Packaging Campaigns
Blind Foundation Guerrilla Grocery Ads Highlight Lack of Braille
Braille Watches
Braille Watches
The X-Watch
Playboy in Braille
Playboy in Braille
Braille Tattoos
Braille Tattoos
Body Modifications for the Blind Make Sight and Touch Statements