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Howard Wu

Customer Success
Victoria, BC, Canada
Member Since
Mar 2008
Howard Wu resides in his native Victoria, BC, Canada. He is a certified chess master and believes the producer of Trailer Park Boys to be a business genius.
What is unique that's not in your bio?
I'm the exception to a lot of rules.
What is your secret to uncovering trends?
Paying attention to what's around me--the trends are there!
What do you enjoy most about Trend Hunter?
Seeing the popularity (or non-popularity) of any given trend.
How do you reset to be creative?
Paying attention to what's around me. The ideas are there!
What inspires or excites you?
Original simplicity.
Multitasking Meal Accessories
Multitasking Meal Accessories
The Hands-Free Sandwich Holder is Hilarious
In today's fast-paced business world, this hands-free sandwich holder can come in handy for those who feel the need to work through their lunch breaks. Dubbed as the Bluetooth of sandwich holders, this… MORE
Creepy Crawly Vinos
Creepy Crawly Vinos
Shocking Asian Snake Wine From Southeast Asia
Asian snake wine and scorpion wine can be found in mainly in Vietnam, Thailand, Laos, or Cambodia. In these ornamental bottles, cobras or scorpions are pickled in rice wine liquor and herbs. The wine… MORE
Trippy Novel Installations
Trippy Novel Installations
The Scanner Book Cave is Incredibly Mesmerizing in Design
This featured Scanner Book Cave by Slovakian artist Matej Krén is an elaborate structure, made mainly from books. The cylindrical shaped book cave features arched ceilings, narrow corridors and strategically… MORE
Bleached 80s Artifacts
Bleached 80s Artifacts
Cody Hamilton Whitens & Preserves 1980s Items
In his collection titled "Relics," Texan photographer Cody Hamilton has found an artistic use for many once-popular, but now obsolete items of 80s merchandise. With a simple coat of white paint, the 1980s… MORE
Dog Fitness Water
Dog Fitness Water
Pet Sweat is an Energy Drink for Dogs
The Pet Sweat energy drink isn't just another funny foreign brand name that got lost in translation. The name actually has some descriptive merit, although the drink is made for pets rather than out of… MORE
Bemusing Boy Band Ads
Bemusing Boy Band Ads
This Vodafone BlackBerry Commercial Targets All Indian Markets
To promote Vodafone BlackBerry cell phones in India, this BlackBerry Boys commercial makes an effort to target a wide cross section of the Indian market. The gimmick of this ad is pretty catchy, as… MORE
Interactive Freedom Sculptures
Interactive Freedom Sculptures
Put Yourself into this Sequential Wall Art
The sculpture titled 'Freedom' by Zenos Frudakis is an interesting interactive work located in Philadelphia, PA. In his description of 'Freedom,' Frudakis describes the depiction of the struggle to break… MORE
Reverse Undercuts
Reverse Undercuts
The Tim Tebow Rookie Haircut Makes for One Odd Hazing Ritual
Rookie hazing in professional sports is nothing new, with traditional rituals including shaved heads and silly costumes, but the Tim Tebow haircut is odd—to say the least. For his hazing, Denver Broncos’… MORE
Social Media Art Projects
Social Media Art Projects
'Masterpiece 2.0' is a Crowdsourced Animated Music Video
Coordinated by Baschz and SelfControlFreak, “Masterpiece 2.0” is a social media art project using Web 2.0. The basic concept is a multi-layered canvas and animation, created by online... MORE
Wedding Party Swimsuits
Wedding Party Swimsuits
Hockey Star & TV Personality Wedding Makes a Fashion Statement
NHL Detroit Red Wings hockey star and Swedish TV personality Emma Andersson’s recent wedding pre-party has made quite the fashion statement. The newlyweds, as well as several of their guests, showed up… MORE
Finger Piercings
Finger Piercings
An Uber Permanent and Modern Way to Wear a Wedding Ring
Finger piercings are just part of the long list of growing jewelery and piercing trends, although this one does not appear to be too common yet. I'm not sure whether the pictured ring was intended for… MORE
Sneaker DJs
Sneaker DJs
Japanese DJ Duo Higafa Uses Iconic Brand Shoes as Musical Instruments
As a leader in athletic footwear and pop culture, the Nike brand continues to be synonymous with professional athletes and their product endorsements and now they have been endorsed by Japanese DJ duo… MORE
Real Estate Guessing Games
Real Estate Guessing Games
'Crack Shack or Mansion' Tests Your Perception of Property Value
The 'Crack Shack or Mansion' website will test you on your real estate savvy. You see, in Vancouver, Canada, real estate value assessments aren't easy. In desirable neighborhoods, housing prices come at… MORE
Cardboard Beer Boxes
Cardboard Beer Boxes
New Eco-Friendly Cardboard Kegs Will Revolutionize the Way You Drink
Although beer purists might argue that carbonation can't be maintained in cardboard kegs, this new design by Australian student Thomas Hussey might prove them wrong. These four-liter cardboard kegs are… MORE
40s Lamp Revivals
40s Lamp Revivals
Robolux Flower Power Lamp Projects a Floral Pattern on Your Wall
The steel casing of this vintage 1940s-styled Robolux Flower Power Lamp fan and lamp combination projects a flower pattern on the wall when turned on in a dark room. The casing's interior is painted orange,… MORE
Five Dollar Services
Five Dollar Services
Fiverr.Com Shows What People are Willing to Do For Five Dollars
At, people can advertise any goods or services (services more often than not) that they are willing to provide for the nominal price of $5. Some such services include art lessons, web promotion,… MORE
Trend Forecast Maps
Trend Forecast Maps
Geography by Innovation is Better Than the Weather Network
When I first saw this Trend Forecast map mimicking a weather forecast, it provided a good demonstration of how images can be more informative than words. I have no idea where the data was taken from,… MORE
Spicy Frozen Treats
Spicy Frozen Treats
Tabasco Brand Jalapeno Ice Cream Mix Will Trick Your Taste Buds
The Tabasco brand's jalapeno ice cream mix is another odd dessert idea that combines a cold refreshment with a spicy component. Jalapeno ice cream probably won't become a traditional Mexican dessert anytime… MORE
Instant Pizza
Instant Pizza
Natural High Pizza Toppings Add Alternative Meals to Camper Diets
Natural High Brand's 'I Can't Believe It's Sausage Pizza" and "I Can't Believe It's Cheese Pizza" are not gag gifts. They're instant meals designed for campers. Complete with "just add water and stir"… MORE
Offensive Animal Candy
Offensive Animal Candy
Camel Balls Chewing Gum isn't as Revolting as it Sounds
The novelty behind the extra sour, liquid-filled Camel Balls chewing gum is not purely its rare taste. The clearly illustrated camel testicles shown on the box can help sell these treats to all sorts… MORE
Prisoner Blogs
Prisoner Blogs
The P:Log Journal Scanning Device Allows Inmates to Post Online
Since inmates are separated from society at correctional facilities, allowing the use of the P:Log device is supposed to be an innovative method of encouraging prisoners to use written communication as… MORE
Bad Taste Exhibitions
Bad Taste Exhibitions
'Museum of Things' in Berlin Celebrates Design Mistakes
The annual “Bad Taste Exhibition” at the Museum of Things in Berlin, Germany, began 100 years ago as the “Cabinet of Bad Taste” display by Gustav E. Pazaurek. Rather than the current connotation… MORE
3 Sleeve Snuggies
3 Sleeve Snuggies
The Snuggie D-Lux is Designed Just for Men
The Snuggie D-Lux is clearly the naughty adult version of the Snuggie infomercial brand. With the color and animal print variants already being common place among all those familiar with the original Snuggie,… MORE
Alligator Bread
Alligator Bread
This Wildlife-Themed Baking Bites, in a Good Way
I just had to post this alligator bread picture for no other reason than because it’s funny. From what I can tell from the photo and YouTube video, it doesn’t look like the alligator was pieced together… MORE
Hybrid Dryer-Heaters
Hybrid Dryer-Heaters
Dryguy Apparel Dryer and Heater is a Delicate Way to Dry Your Gear
DryGuy’s collection of hybrid heater and dryer combination devices are a must for anyone using any non-washable winter apparel. The array of devices is comprised of electric heaters in various shapes,… MORE
Giant Bicycling Santas
Giant Bicycling Santas
Didi Senft is Crazy Santa Claus on Wheels
Didi Senft (also known as El Diablo, or a crazy Santa Claus) is a renowned German cycling enthusiast who has designed a giant pedal-powered sleigh, measuring over 3 meters high, and 7 meters long. I’m… MORE
Snow Motorbikes
Snow Motorbikes
ATV and Dirt Biking Meet Snomobiles for the Winter Adrenaline Junkie
'SnomoX' might just be the next big extreme sporting YouTube hit. With their snow kits for dirt bikes, SnomoX has given ATV and dirt bike enthusiasts a new winter activity. These winter-ready drive trains… MORE
Fur-Ball Tech Covers
Fur-Ball Tech Covers
Magnhild Disington Designs Non-Peta-Friendly Geek Accessories
Danish textile designer, Magnhild Disington, has come up with these furry fashion accessories that disguise USB keys and cell phone covers so well that you’d never guess their true function. In other words,… MORE
Animated Toothpaste Heads
Animated Toothpaste Heads
Silly Cartoons to Make Dental Hygiene Fun
These toothpaste heads by Spread Heads are a fun way to promote good dental hygiene among children. The visual idea of an animated dog or cat spewing out a bright neon coloured gel onto a toothbrush might… MORE
Mirrored Watches
Mirrored Watches
SDWorks' Dual-Purpose 'Mirror Watch' Wins China's 2009 Design Award
The Mirror Watch by SDWorks is a pretty simple idea, with a great presentation. As a winner at China’s Most Successful Design Award competition, Cheuk Kee Lai’s design features an LED digital watch… MORE
Cyclist Mega Gadgets
Cyclist Mega Gadgets
The Puyl is a Battery-Free Combination Bike Pump & Light
Winner of the 2009 Eurobike Award, the PUYL is sure to be on the Christmas wish list of any avid cyclist. The combination bicycle pump and light uses electromagnetic induction, which charges the battery… MORE
Automated Rebuffs
Automated Rebuffs
The Rejection Hotline is the Alternative Way to Dodge Bar Pickups
Have you ever been stuck trying to reject an unwanted solicitor or bar pickup, without being rude? If so, the rejection hotline is just for you! On the rejection hotline website, you can find local phone… MORE
Combination Locks for Booze
Combination Locks for Booze
The Bottle Lock is a Creative Way to Curb Alcohol Consumption
This combination bottle lock is certainly a new way to control alcohol consumption. Without the need for a key, the only stumbling block that must be avoided is forgetting the combination to the Bottle… MORE
Cheetah Speed Bicycles
Cheetah Speed Bicycles
The Pardo Folding Bike Design Allows Cyclists to go Super Fast
The Pardo (short for the Spanish word “guepardo” meaning “cheetah”) was designed by Pablo Lopez, to allow humans to simulate the animal’s travel mechanics.  This design was an entry into Innovar, a national… MORE
Prickly Plushies
Prickly Plushies
The Cactus Teddy Bear Might Be the Worst Toy Ever
A seemingly cuddly teddy bear with a cactus for a head just doesn’t seem right. It’s funny for a gag gift, but you really must wonder what to do with it after the novelty wears off. It can’t be played… MORE
Downhill Ice Skating
Downhill Ice Skating
Roller Derby Meets Hockey at the Red Bull Crashed Ice Competition
In Quebec City, downhill ice skating has a huge following among adrenaline junkies and residents alike. With four teammates barreling down an ice surface at ridiculous speeds, this somewhat contact sport… MORE

Featured Ideas

Gag Political Mints
Gag Political Mints
Freshen Your Breath with 'Indictmints,' 'Impeachmints' or 'National Embarrassm
These mints for all occasions feature the likenesses of famous and infamous figures like William Shakespeare, Barack Obama, Jesus Christ, George Bush, and the Invisible Man. With comical names such as… MORE
Finger-Mounted Toothbrushes
Finger-Mounted Toothbrushes
Compact Travel Hygiene
The finger-mounted toothbrush looks like it's simply a brush glued to a finger-sized condom. However, no matter how ridiculous this invention may be, its practical function cannot be denied. It is compact,… MORE
Dessert Meat
Dessert Meat
The Hot Beef Sundae
Round cut steak, gravy, potatoes, cheese, garlic bread, and tomato.  This sounds like a pretty good dinner, doesn’t it? Now picture it all together not on a plate, but in a sundae dish. The steak and… MORE
Imitation Windows
Imitation Windows
Brighten Up Your Dive Apartment
This unusual idea, for imitation windows, may be questionable, but it certainly is creative. A quick look at some benefits and shortcomings of this idea are listed as follows: Benefit: - It cannot… MORE
Massaging Socks
Massaging Socks
Reflexology Footwear For Tired Feet Has Built-In Acu Massagers
After a long day of being on your feet, “Tired Foot Care Socks” can be a well-deserved luxury. These polyester socks are armed with strategically-placed latex pads that stimulate pressure points through… MORE
Prescription Beer Goggles
Prescription Beer Goggles
Urban Eco Spectacles offers the unique service of manufacturing prescription party eye-wear, more commonly referred to as “beer goggles”. This fashion statement may or may not become viral, but either way,… MORE
Free Range Humans
Free Range Humans
Disturbing Pro-Vegan Ads
Here is a marketing idea I hope NEVER becomes a popular trend. If there ever was a picture worth a thousand words, this could be it. I was mortified when I saw it, and for the record, I'm not a vegetarian.… MORE
Ear Tattoos
Ear Tattoos
Subtle, discrete, and classy. Contrary to the flamboyant, tattoos that fit the shock value stereotype, the ear tattoo is a rather unique tattoo location. Compared to other more subtle tattoo locations… MORE
Double Sided Toothbrush
Double Sided Toothbrush
More Efficient Oral Hygiene
There is now a double-sided toothbrush for those compulsive about their oral hygiene. One look at this nifty little idea provoked several questions in my mind, as the rat kept running faster on his treadmill.… MORE
Remote Controlled Zombies
Remote Controlled Zombies
Freaky RC Action Figures and Dolls Offer Some Dead Fun
There isn’t too much to elaborate on with remote controlled (RC) zombies. With popular cult movies such as Grindhouse and Shaun of the Dead assuring some long-lasting following, these toys will... MORE
2 Handed Speed Drawing
2 Handed Speed Drawing
Simultaneous Double Fisted Sketches at ThePortraitArt
ThePortraitArt brings together several impressive artistic feats in this featured youtube video.  Imagine the following: 1. Drawing a portrait 2. Drawing a GOOD portrait 3. Drawing two good portraits… MORE
Recession Era Toys
Recession Era Toys
Discovery Paper Recycling Studio Is An Eco-Friendly, Fun DIY
The Discovery Paper Recycling Studio just might have all the desired elements of a modern recession era children’s toy. The main function of the studio is that it allows children to create their own toys… MORE
King of Pop Dress-Up
King of Pop Dress-Up
Michael Jackson Costumes Are Hot for Halloween 2009
As you might imagine, Michael Jackson costumes have been the most popular outfit request at Halloween stores all over North America due to the King of Pop’s recent passing. In a recent conversation with… MORE
Scarves With Pockets
Scarves With Pockets
The Julian Scarf by Wintercheck Factory is Designed for Winter Convenience
By adding zippered pockets to an already comfortable scarf, Wintercheck Factory’s Julian scarves are great examples of the ever-popular combination of function and fashion. With such a simplistic idea,… MORE