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60 Pieces of Super Scary Skull Art

From Crystal Skull Sculptures to Skull Drawings

— January 30, 2013 — Unique
For some reason, there’s a certain segment of the population with a fascination for skull art. Although some would consider it morbid, skull art can take many shapes and forms and integrate a lot of interesting materials beyond bone itself.

When most people think of skulls, tombs, graveyards and mummies come to mind. However, taking a look at some of these skull art pieces opens up the skull appeal a little bit. There’s a Swarovski black crystal skull, which would be an interesting center piece or mantle ornament. This piece merges the fancy glamor of internationally known Swarvoski crystals with the morbid connotation of skulls in general.

Skull art is not limited to sculptures though, with a plethora of skull drawings making their way into art exhibits. These kind of skull drawings find their application mostly in tattoos.
Minuscule Object Artwork
Minuscule Object Artwork
These Kevin Champeny Mosaics Use Thousands of Handmade Little Models
Literary Skeletal Sculptures
Literary Skeletal Sculptures
Jud Turner Adds a Classical Epic Twist to Lotus Eaters
Purple-Hued Polygonal Skulls
Purple-Hued Polygonal Skulls
Jesse Johanning Converts Photos of Animal Skeletons into Stellar Art
Intricate Porcelain Craniums
Intricate Porcelain Craniums
Katsuyo Aoki Crafts Skulls with Baroque-Influenced Ornamentation
Adorned Skull Illustrations
Adorned Skull Illustrations
These Drawings by Meyoko are Covered in Eccentric Details
Cushioned Skull Containers
Cushioned Skull Containers
'Skullmate' by Luke Twigger Provides Eerie Anatomical Storage
Macabre Multimedia Gadgets
Macabre Multimedia Gadgets
Head Banger's Skull Speakers Bring Noise From Beyond the Grave
Funky Industrial Illustrations
Funky Industrial Illustrations
These Greg Darroll Designs are Eccentric and Punchy
Creepy Carcass Photography
Creepy Carcass Photography
Karin Anna Henny Angstrom Ludwig's Photography Serves up Strange Images
Mutated Skull Drawings
Mutated Skull Drawings
Clara Lieu Depicts Craniums with Multiple Jaws
Fuchsia Skulls
Fuchsia Skulls
Shelterbank Creates Artistic Genuine Fake Human Skulls
Artistic Armageddon Installations
Artistic Armageddon Installations
Marcin Owczarek's Collages Reveal Futuristic Perspectives
Skull Balancing Beauties
Skull Balancing Beauties
Marina Nunez Illustrates Women with Craniums on Top of Their Heads
Morbid Chalk Drawings
Morbid Chalk Drawings
Wallace Collection Presents Paintings from Damien Hirst
Porcelain Skulls
Porcelain Skulls
Nymphenburg's Skull Gives the Crystal Skull a Run for its Money
Horrifyingly Haute Rings
Horrifyingly Haute Rings
Dog State Makes Fashion Accessories for the Hard Edged
Harrowing Hamlet Writing Surfaces
Harrowing Hamlet Writing Surfaces
These Chalkboard Skulls are Morbidly Fun
Fantastical Macabre Figures
Fantastical Macabre Figures
J*RYU Displays a Creative Mind for Unusual Themes
Deviant Wall Tile Designs
Deviant Wall Tile Designs
Josep Motas Makes Patterns Inspired by Skulls and Body Parts
Steampunked Skulls
Steampunked Skulls
Life-Sized Revamped Craniums are Now Available on eBay
Baked Skeletons
Baked Skeletons
Bread Skulls Make For Bizarre But Anatomically-Correct Baking
Upcycled Skateboard Skulls
Upcycled Skateboard Skulls
Broken Decks by Beto Janz is an Inventive Marketing Ploy
Grim Reaper Polos
Grim Reaper Polos
Deadwear Clothing is an Artistic Walk on the Dark Side
Structured Sheet Art
Structured Sheet Art
The Nick Georgiou Paper Sculptures are Mind Boggling
Skinned-Off Illustrations
Skinned-Off Illustrations
These Tarin Yuangtrakul 'Tearing Out' Drawings are Ultra Creepy
Tattooed Retro Portraits
Tattooed Retro Portraits
Dr. Lakra Modifies the Past With an Alternative Twist
Morbid Madame Paintings
Morbid Madame Paintings
Tara McPherson ‘Somewhere Under the Rainbow' Collection
Human Cranium Confections
Human Cranium Confections
The Marina Malvada Chocolate Skulls are Incredible Edibles
Doily Decal Skulls
Doily Decal Skulls
The Joshua Harker ‘Crania Anatomica’ is a Delicate Wonder
Skull-Obsessed Illustrations
Skull-Obsessed Illustrations
Colin Lammie Finds Inventive Ways to Re-Image the Human Cranium
Gothic Nature Galleries
Gothic Nature Galleries
The Histoires Naturelles Series Revolves Around a Theme of Death
Activist Typography
Activist Typography
The PURE for Designers Against Child Slavery Project Raises Awareness
Blunt Force Trauma Art
Blunt Force Trauma Art
'Destroyer' by Erik Petersen for Forum Snowboards is Painful
Steampunked Skull Mice
Steampunked Skull Mice
Ivan Mavrov Turns Sheep Bones to Creepy Computer Peripherals
Detailed Dead Portraiture
Detailed Dead Portraiture
The Iain Macarthur 'Skulltastic' Series is Textured
Swarovski Skulls
Swarovski Skulls
(Almost) Affordable Diamond Skulls by Fabien Baron
Morbid Melon Sculptures
Morbid Melon Sculptures
Artist Dimitri Tsykalov Carves Intricate Figures From Produce
Gothic Skull Headpieces
Gothic Skull Headpieces
Justin Smith Makes Unbelievable Fashion Accessories
Chromatic Skull Art
Chromatic Skull Art
Like Minded Studio's 'Neon Dreams' is Colorfully Creative
Death-Loving Collections
Death-Loving Collections
Mexico's National Museum of Death Explores One Country's Fascination
Feminine Skeleton Rings
Feminine Skeleton Rings
Violet Darkling Adds Some Girlish Glamor to Dark Themes
Seductive Skull Collages
Seductive Skull Collages
Artist Tom French Fluctuates Between Alluring and Foreboding
Clear Cranium Alien Art
Clear Cranium Alien Art
Gerrel Saunders Renders Transparent Skulls with Throbbing Brains
Onyx Papercraft Craniums
Onyx Papercraft Craniums
The D-Sturbed Paper Skull Lets You Assemble a Skeletal Human Head
Skeletal Street Art
Skeletal Street Art
Roa Graffiti in NYC is an Epically Awesome Update
Intricate Technicolor Skulls
Intricate Technicolor Skulls
The Huichol Beaded Skulls are Spooky Yet Sophisticated
Sugar Skull Sculptures
Sugar Skull Sculptures
The Krisztianna Muertita Wall Mounts Contemplate Mortality
Victorian Skull Scenes
Victorian Skull Scenes
Karl Kwasny Draws Images that Appear Different Up Close & Far Away
Hipster Candle Designs
Hipster Candle Designs
The Insight Collectibles are Eccentrically Edgy Yet Laid-Back
Keyboard Skulls
Keyboard Skulls
Maurice Mbikayi Transforms Computer Peripherals Into Human Figures
Mexican Skull Weddings
Mexican Skull Weddings
The Dia de los Muertos Invitiations Set an Awesome Mood
Spooky Stuffed Animal Skulls
Spooky Stuffed Animal Skulls
Teddy Bear Natural History is a Creepy Spin on a Childhood Classic
Intricately Grotesque Sketches
Intricately Grotesque Sketches
Artist Mark Riddick Knows How to Get Your Skin Crawling
Frightening Clay Creations
Frightening Clay Creations
The Ceramic Sculptures by Caterina Silenzi Raku will Stun You
Cartoon Cranium Tees
Cartoon Cranium Tees
These Mike Mitchell Shirts Strip Pop Culture Favorites Down to Their Skulls
Macabre Money Skulls
Macabre Money Skulls
Scott Campbell's Noblesse Oblige Features Laser Currency Art
Mystery Artist Named 'Jim' Makes Dangly Twine Skull Art
Steampunk Mask Fittings
Steampunk Mask Fittings
The Techno Masks by Richard Symons are Freakishly Well-Made
Cardboard Animal Masks
Cardboard Animal Masks
The Jozef Mrva Masks Are Eerie and Creatively Crafted