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40 SEA Lifestyle Innovations

From Mobile Phone Lane Footpaths to 3D-Printed Hotel Suites

— November 20, 2015 — Lifestyle
Hailing from various countries located in the region including Thailand, the Philippines and Indonesia, these SEA lifestyle innovations highlight emerging patterns of opportunity in relation to daily life for the average consumer.

With a global push toward memorable experiences that resonate with individuals on an emotional level, there are of course instances of this across industry in Southeast Asia as well.

Recently, the first mobile phone-only pedestrian lane was added to a footpath at Bangkok's Kasetsart University. Separately, a Food Bazaar at the Phuket Jungceylon shopping mall was opened that took inspiration from the food markets of China indoors. In essence, these two innovations speak to the universal desire for collective experiences and the pervasiveness of our global digital culture.
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