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24 Charitable Red Cross Creations

The Red Cross Concert Isn’t the Only Way the Organization

— November 5, 2012 — Social Good
The Red Cross is an organization responsible for relief work in the community which was very apparent with this weekend’s Red Cross Concert to benefit those affected by the latest natural disaster to hit the east coast of North America. Whether it is relief work with Doctors Without Boarders or rebuilding the effects of Hurricane Sandy, the organization is always there to help. The organization strictly runs off of profits provided by fundraisers and donations. From Zombiefied Celeb PSAs to Tsunami Relief Arcades, the Red Cross is continually creating interesting products and campaigns to get the community involved for the latest cause.

The Red Cross Concert was a spectacular event to raise money for the effects of Hurricane Sandy. This is just another example of the stunning work the Red Cross does to raise money.
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Earthquake Commemoration Books
Earthquake Commemoration Books
The ‘Quakebook' Collection Recounts a Japanese Tragedy
Inspiring Disaster Relief Tees
Inspiring Disaster Relief Tees
Kris Van Assche x Misericordia 'We Love Japan' Brings Hope to Japan
Tsunami Relief Arcades
Tsunami Relief Arcades
The Limited Edition Art-Cade Machine Gets Auctioned for a Great Cause
Charitable Transformer Memory Sticks
Charitable Transformer Memory Sticks
Incubot USB Flash Drive Helps Japanese Earthquake Victims
Medical Mobile Alerts
Medical Mobile Alerts
The Red Cross 'Rapid Rescue' App Draws Help from First Aid Responders Nearby
Taped-Up Amnesty Ads
Taped-Up Amnesty Ads
The Red Cross Lebanon Campaign Places Humanitarians Closer to Victims
Earthquake Relief Fashion
Earthquake Relief Fashion
Word Apparel Shirt Lets Consumers Help Japan With Red Cross Donations
Emergency Education Sites
Emergency Education Sites
Google Crisis Preparedness Website Teaches How to Use Tech During Crises
Amnesty Equation Ads
Amnesty Equation Ads
The Brazilian Red Cross: Plus Sign Campaign Captures Charitable Efforts
Charitable Crayon Sculptures
Charitable Crayon Sculptures
Diem Chau Offers Customized Work in Donation to Red Cross Japan
Earthquake-Aiding Celebs
Earthquake-Aiding Celebs
George Clooney, Head Organizer of 'Hope for Haiti' Telethon
First Aid for Pets
First Aid for Pets
Red Cross Classes for First Responders to Animal Emergencies
Pandas for Tragedy Relief
Pandas for Tragedy Relief
YOKA SC for China Earthquake
Celebrity Earthquake Relief Tees
Celebrity Earthquake Relief Tees
The SAVE JAPAN! UT Project Helps Those in Need in Japan
Zombiefied Celeb PSAs
Zombiefied Celeb PSAs
The Red Cross Walking Dead Campaign Turns Celebs into the Creepy Undead
Undead Obstacle Courses
Undead Obstacle Courses
Join 'Run For Your Lives' and Avoid Being Eaten by Zombies
One-Off Fashion for a Cause
One-Off Fashion for a Cause
Lee Cooper Jeans 100th Birthday Auction
Natural Disaster Charity Tees
Natural Disaster Charity Tees
Support Japan's Relief Efforts With this Help Japan T-Shirt
Charitable Law Jewelry
Charitable Law Jewelry
The B-Side Japan Relief Necklace Celebrates Immigration and Unity
IV USB Donation Incentives
IV USB Donation Incentives
Red Cross Bloodrive Flash Drives Encourage Giving Blood
Comical Lifesaving Bags
Comical Lifesaving Bags
The Medkit Backpack is Inspired by the Video Game 'Left 4 Dead'
Broken Flag Advertising
Broken Flag Advertising
These Help Japan Posters Transcend All Language Barriers
Red Cross Ad For Blood Donation
Hi-Tech Emergency Kits
Hi-Tech Emergency Kits
First Aid 2.0 Guides the Lifesaver Through a Rescue with its Digital Screen