From Dangerours Pimple Popping to Edible Acne Candies
Brian G Randles — December 3, 2009 — Lifestyle
During everyone's excruciating turn at pubescence, pimple popping is a way of life. Hard to handle, and impossible to escape, acne is the number one cause of insecurity among the youth. Makes you miss high school, doesn't it?
From dangerous pimple popping to edible acne candies, check out all the acnevations which will make you breakout in laughter, not blemishes.
Implications - Acne is the main cause for self-esteem issues in today's youth, with some battling their acne issues well into adulthood. Thus, companies and scientists alike are attempting a number of unconventional methods to cure acne. Though pimples themselves are not fatal, the effect they can have on one's self esteem can be.
From dangerous pimple popping to edible acne candies, check out all the acnevations which will make you breakout in laughter, not blemishes.
Implications - Acne is the main cause for self-esteem issues in today's youth, with some battling their acne issues well into adulthood. Thus, companies and scientists alike are attempting a number of unconventional methods to cure acne. Though pimples themselves are not fatal, the effect they can have on one's self esteem can be.