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Top 40 Bizarre Ideas in November

From Cookie-Flavored Water to Jail Cell Accommodations

— November 30, 2014 — Unique
When it comes to pushing the limits of what's conventional, the top November 2014 bizarre ideas have got that down pat.

In terms of food and drink, some of the zaniest ideas reinvent things that you think you know—like a sparkling water that tastes just like cookies, or a dentist's office that will serve you wine in order to help lessen the anxiety that comes with getting your teeth cleaned.

While most people do their best to stay out of the path of lighting, photographer Kelly DeLay specifically staged a family portrait in front of one. Similarly, jail is a place that most people try to avoid, but artist Miao Jiaxin's Airbnb listing will let you get the experience of sleeping in a cell overnight. Rather than avoiding unwanted or uncomfortable situations, these examples show people willing to dive head first.
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