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59 Riot and Protesting Initiatives

Inspired by the NHL Riots in Vancouver

— June 16, 2011 — Social Good
At the end of the Stanley Cup final, some of the fans of the losing team caused NHL riots in the streets of Vancouver and other places.

Riots are nothing new. The concept, which popularized in the 60s, originally stemmed from protesting. However, sometimes the idea takes a violent turn when certain members of the group get upset. Then, riots ensue and damage, ranging from vandalism to looting and even assault, follows.

The NHL riots have been splashed across media vehicles worldwide and one Vancouver fan that participated, Brock Anton, has now even become a Trending Topic on Twitter as he highly publicized his crimes against police officers via Facebook.

The NHL riots have had devastating results. According to the Vancouver Sun as well as other newspapers such as the Boston Globe, many people have been hospitalized.
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