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39 Inventive Mosquito Repellents

From Sting-proof Mesh Wear to Chemical-Free Bug Sprays

— July 23, 2015 — Lifestyle
In order to make sure that the enjoyment of summer will not be dampened by buzzing, stinging and itchy bites, people are seeking alternative mosquito repellents in search of the ultimate way to avoid these annoying pests.

For mosquito repellents that are functional and fresh smelling, brands like Incognito, Mikey & Momo and Saje favor all-natural ingredients and essential oils that are known to keep pesky bugs at bay. Because candles, balms, lotions and sprays can be assembled at home, many consumers are opting for DIY solutions to stave off these blood-sucking insects as alternatives to products that are laden with chemicals.

As consumers are calling for topical solutions to be less toxic in the form of mesh pants and patches, bug-repelling solutions are also moving away from the body in general with DIY citronella candles, apps, keychains and paper products.
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Customized Bug Repellents
Customized Bug Repellents
Raid's Bug ID Generator Helps Users Create a Personalized Treatment Plan
Essential Oil Bug Sprays
Essential Oil Bug Sprays
This All-Natural Concoction Keeps the Mosquitos at Bay in a Healthy Way
Anti-Insect Sun Creams
Anti-Insect Sun Creams
These MosquitNo Products Offer Multifaceted Protection
Insect Repellent Placemats
Insect Repellent Placemats
This Insect-Repelling Item is Specific to Outdoor Dining
Pest Repellent Pet Sweaters
Pest Repellent Pet Sweaters
The Insect Shield Line for Pets Includes Sweaters, Bandanas & Beds
Chemical-Free Insect Repellents
Chemical-Free Insect Repellents
Zoe Organics' Natural Product Protects Without Harmful Additives
Bug-Deterring Loofahs
Bug-Deterring Loofahs
This Incognito Shower Product Offers Protection from Insects
Pesticide-Free Insect Repellent
Pesticide-Free Insect Repellent
Incognito Uses 100% Natural Products to Fight Away Pesky Bugs
Mosquito Repellent Newspapers
Mosquito Repellent Newspapers
Sri Lankan Mawbima Used Citronella-Laced Ink For Dengue Prevention
Citronella Deodorant Crystals
Citronella Deodorant Crystals
Incognito's Deodorant Reduces a User's Attractiveness to Insects
Citronella-Infused Bracelets
Citronella-Infused Bracelets
MosquitNo's Summer Bracelets Offer Hours of Insect Protection
Insect-Killing Footwear Murals
Insect-Killing Footwear Murals
The 'Doom Wall of Shoes' Harnesses the Power of Thousands of Shoes
Insect Warding Receivers
Insect Warding Receivers
The Go Outside Mosquito Repellent Radio Keeps Bugs at Bay
Multipurpose Flame Containers
Multipurpose Flame Containers
The Menu Wide Fire Bucket Can Provide a Flame or a Place for Flowers
Nanotechnology Polo Shirts
Nanotechnology Polo Shirts
MosquitNo's Polo Shirt Design is Infused with a Mosquito Repellent
Kid-Safe Citronella Stickers
Kid-Safe Citronella Stickers
This Insect Repellent for Kids Can Be Used on Outdoor Gear & Textiles
Chemical-Free Bug Sprays
Chemical-Free Bug Sprays
Saje's Natural Bug Spray Wards Off Mosquitos Safely
Mobile Mosquito Repelling Devices
Mobile Mosquito Repelling Devices
Live Mosquito-Free with the Portable Tabletop Mosquito Repeller
Human-Scented Mosquito Catchers
Human-Scented Mosquito Catchers
The DynaTrap XL Effectively Lures Mosquitos With Harmless Gas
Alluring LED Mosquito Traps
Alluring LED Mosquito Traps
Mosquito in a Trap Keeps Those Pesky Bugs Away From You
Pooch-Protecting Garments
Pooch-Protecting Garments
The Insect Repelling Canine Vest Will Gaurd Against Pesky Bugs
Citrus Bug Repellent Candles
Citrus Bug Repellent Candles
These DIY Insect Repellent Candles Will Keep The Mosquitos Away
Mosquito Malady-Fighting Patches
Mosquito Malady-Fighting Patches
This Mosquito Repellent is Looking to Improve Global Health
Pest-Repelling Apps
Pest-Repelling Apps
The AntiMosquito Application Drives Away Unwanted Insects
Homemade Mosquito Repellents
Homemade Mosquito Repellents
This DIY Bug Repellent is All-Natural and Cost Effective
Anti-Mosquito Hammock Covers
Anti-Mosquito Hammock Covers
Kammok's Dragonfly Insect Net Protects Campers from Pests
Insect-Killing Origami Crafts
Insect-Killing Origami Crafts
This Paper Origami Boat is Infused with a Natural Mosquito Killer
Cutting-Edge Bug Zappers
Cutting-Edge Bug Zappers
Eco-Magnet Rids the Air of Insects and Potential Illness
Insect-Ridding Unmanned Vehicles
Insect-Ridding Unmanned Vehicles
The Mosquito-Fighting Maveric Drone is an Extreme Next Step
Bug Rebutting Keychains
Bug Rebutting Keychains
Portable Insect Repellent Device Drives Mosquitos Away
Mosquito-Repelling Apps
Mosquito-Repelling Apps
The Anti Mosquito Sonic Repeller App Claims to Keep Mosquitoes Away
Sting-Proof Mesh Wear
Sting-Proof Mesh Wear
Protect Yourself from Pesky Bug Bites with Mosquito Net Pants
Functional Bug Spray Fragrances
Functional Bug Spray Fragrances
This Sweet Mosquito Repellent Brings Luxury to the Outdoors
Army-Issued Winter Balms
Army-Issued Winter Balms
The Hudsalve Boasts a Mythical Moisturizing Status
DIY Natural Bug Repellent
DIY Natural Bug Repellent
This Recipe for Bug Repellent is Safe for Your Skin
Pyromaniac Insect Killers
Pyromaniac Insect Killers
The Fiery Mosquito Catcher by Johannes Vogl
Suspended Outdoor Beds
Suspended Outdoor Beds
Transamac by Belanka is a Modern Replacement of the Traditional Hammock
Cocoon-Like Suspended Beds
Cocoon-Like Suspended Beds
The Skeeter Beeter Pro Hammock Keeps You Safe from Mosquitos
DIY Bug-Repellant Candles
DIY Bug-Repellant Candles
The Summertime Floating Candles Stylishly Keeps Mosquitos at Bay